September Warmth

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Someone said  it would last right to November
this mild, still heat that gathers, gently hazed
today, as clouds of varying densities try it on.

Yellow heads, ragged-feathered globes,
and clean, white-buttoned, empty heads, yes,
dandelions cycle on sporadically and tiny,
tender, purple stars of marsh willow-herb
continue the profusion of their late blooming.

Well, after a week of these thin, southwesterly clouds,
and such long-celled intervals of  sleepy beneficence,
buzzed with the epics of the big black flies,
long honey-jars of spirit batteries
are brimming with the very ooze of sunlight.

Maybe we can grow tall as trees by knitting air
or weave an emperor's superior diaphany.*

I know full well when I close my eyes the little orchard
Rackhams* full of big-eyed goblin smiles.


*Diaphany: noun I have coined from the adjective 'diaphanous'.
*Rackhams: verb I have coined from the painter's name.

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