Chapter 1

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I can't believe that I woke up late. As usual I always do that, right? By the way, the name's Mefutaka Ichinose. I live in Tokyo, Japan and I'm just a regular 1st year student in the Saotome Academy. That school is very popular, though I'm not that rich to study in a very popular school. I'm just doing the regular routine I do before I go to school. I feed my domestic dog, Sosuke/Sou, he is named by my favorite anime character. He just sleeps all day and sometimes he just plays a lot. When I get home he's just lying on the rug. I live in a small apartment with my stupid cousin, Kakitokari (girl), my another stupid cousin, Zuskatofushi (boy) and my nerdy sister, Zakikari. We are like a crazy gangster group living in an apartment. Anyways, I have to go to school.

"I'm leaving!" I said while opening the door and slam it shut, while they are still yelling at each other.

I sighed and said to myself, "What am I going to do with them?"

While walking down the streets, I'm thinking that I might have detention after my first class, when suddenly I tripped into a rock and rolled down. Feeling embarrassed, I wipe of the blood that run down my arm and wrapped it with my handkerchief. Good thing no one was there to see me.

When I got to my school, I slid the door open and all I can see was the eyes of my teacher and classmates on me.

"Sir, I'm sorry I'm late." I said apologetically and sat down on my seat.

"You're always late, so maybe you know what your punishment is, do you?" He said it as if he was used to that kind of habit. I just nodded at him.

After my first class I went to detention, as usual. After detention, I went to my second class, which is Japanese History, my favorite subject.

"I never realized that this day would be the worst." I said to myself quietly while my teacher is discussing.

I have NO friends here and I usually spend my break and lunch time in the library because I'm a bookworm, actually.

During lunch time I was in the library reading quietly. There are some students looking at me. Maybe they're thinking that I'm always like that, just reading books and not talking to anyone, but I just ignore them.

After classes I went straight to the apartment.

"I'm back." I shouted out but no one answered. That only means one thing, they're still in school.

Without waiting for them, I ate my dinner early. I washed the dishes after I ate. I fed my dog while I'm eating so Sou is done eating dinner, too.

Three hours passed by but they're still not back here. I decided to watch anime, since they're still not here.

One hour. Still no one's opening the door. After 30 minutes...

There was a flashing of light coming out from the T.V. and...

*light flashes*

The next thing I know I was sitting on the ground and my butt hurts. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was not in the apartment.

I walked around and saw nothing but grasses and trees and when I got farther, I noticed that the place got quiet and I stopped walking. I knew something was wrong so I looked around. Suddenly, someone or something appeared in front of me. I was surprised when I saw a familiar face in front of me. I saw SHINO INUZUKA, the main character in the anime, HAKKENDEN: EIGHT DOGS OF THE EAST. My mouth was hanging open and stared at him for a moment and blinked many times, thinking that this was just a dream, I rubbed my eyes.

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