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                                                            Chapter Three


My eyes dart around the empty hallway, expecting someone to walk out of the classroom any second. I had always wondered what it would be like to go to school, so here I am― Beacon Hills High. Apparently, Derek enrolled me this morning.

            I slide down the locker behind me and collapse on the floor, my body tangled and my head in my hands. I keep playing the conversation this morning over and over in my head, even though I want to forget the whole thing.

            I sat down in a dusty armchair, which was the only thing in the room. I kept glancing over at the open door, wanting to bolt and keep running. But in my weakened state, I didn’t know how far I could get.

            Derek didn’t sit down, pacing around in circles. My hands gripped the arms of the chair until my knuckles turned white. Why was I so uneasy if this guy saved me from that monster?

            “So, Aubrey,” Derek said. “Why were you out in the woods last night?” He smiled at me, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

            I crossed my arms across my chest and looked briefly at Isaac, who stood in the doorway, barely visible. “I could ask you the same question.”

            He closed his eyes and grit his teeth, clearly frustrated. “You have to answer questions sometime. Now, either we do this the easy way…” His fingers trailed along the back of my chair. “…Or we can do this the hard way.” I saw his claws extend and he pressed them against my throat. I stayed perfectly still.

            Isaac moved from the doorway towards me, resting a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “Be careful with her,” he growled.

            Derek’s eyes flashed red and Isaac cowered. “Get out of here, Isaac. Now.” He snarled and Isaac quickly left the room, although I wished that he didn’t.

            I looked Derek straight in the eyes as a sign of aggression and laughed coldly. “You won’t hurt me, Derek. If you wanted to kill me, you would have just let that thing kill me last night and save you the hard and troublesome task of burying a body. And you wouldn’t want the police to get involved. So I suggest you get the hell away from me.”

            Derek growled, but moved away from me. Just then, I heard a voice come from the doorway, and for a second I thought that Isaac had returned. When I looked up however, a man with tan skin and bronze hair stood there in a long black leather coat, examining his nails.

            “Now, now, Derek, we should show our guest some hospitality.” He said, flashing a smile. “Why don’t you let me talk to her?”

            To my surprise, Derek sulked out of the room, his claws going back into his fingertips. The man made his way over to me and crouched down, a half-smile on his face. He sort of looked a bit like Derek.

            I laced my hands together. “I’m not answering any of your questions.” I stated.

            He chuckled. “My dear, I’m not going to ask you any questions. I’ll simply be… explaining things to you.” He extended his hand for me to shake, but I didn’t touch it. “My name is Peter Hale, and I know a lot more than my nephew does.”

            I raised my eyebrows. “Oh, yeah? Like what?”

            He extended his claws and picked at them. I noticed that there was a bit of dried blood concealed under them. “I know that you’re from the alpha pack. I don’t know why you’re here, but there’s plenty of time to figure that out. I also know that your pack has been looking for you, but they’re not going to find you, are they?” I shook my head, because I would rather stay here than go back to the pack.

            “Aubrey, you’re special. But of course, you know that, don’t you?” Peter continued. “Being an alpha at fifteen is pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. I didn’t become an alpha until later in life, and that wasn’t my finest performance.” He chuckled to himself. “But you’re more than an alpha, aren’t you?”

            I looked down at the ground. “How do you know that?” My hands were trembling.

            Peter reached up and stroked my cheek, his claws gently scraping across my pale skin. He tangled a length of my jet black hair between two fingers. I flinched away from his touch. 

            His breath was hot on my face. “I can smell it in your blood, dear.” He closed his eyes and pressed his face an inch from mine. I trembled, not able to hear anything except the frantic beat of my heart. “And something tells me that your pack wants you back badly. Well, I can’t do that― at least, not until I figure out why you came here.”

            My breathing was heavy, and I tried to lean away from him, but his other hand dug into my wrists, the claws bringing points of crimson to the surface. I bit my lip and tried to contain my repulsion. “I- I don’t know why they c- came,” I stuttered.

            His claws dug deeper into my wrist, and he opened his eyes and smiled. “Well my dear, I need to know the information soon. So I’ll compromise.” I had a feeling that this compromise wasn’t going to be one that I liked.

            His eyes glinted bright red. “I’ll give you one week. Either you find out the information for me,” His claws twisted in my skin and I whimpered. “Or I can kill you.” He smiled wickedly and let me go, walking out of the room, leaving me stranded with no plan.

            I pull my hair to one side and dig through my bag, searching for a mirror. I open it and stare at my violet eyes for a minute. There’s no way that I could ever blend in here, even if I tried. My eyes give me away too easily. I look at my reflection for a little bit more, and then I throw the mirror across the hall, watching it shatter into a million pieces.

            They say if you break a mirror, you have seven years of bad luck. I live in constant reruns of bad luck, so seven more years should be nothing.

            I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, and I quickly scramble to my feet, afraid that my pack was going to come here and find me. Instead, I see that it’s a boy around my age, who looks clearly distracted. He messes up his dark brown hair and stares down at the ground. He sees the mess of the mirror and looks up at me, his eyebrows raised.

            “What did that mirror ever do to you?” He asks, his dark brown eyes boring into mine.

            If I want to blend in, I have to make friends. He seems nice.

            I shake my head. “Nothing, really. It just told me I was ugly.” I laugh softly.

            He smiles. “It must be wrong, then. I think that you’re beautiful.” I blush and smile down at the ground. He extends his hand toward me and I shake it. “I’m Scott.”

            I pull my bag on my shoulder more. “I’m Aubrey. I’m new in town.”

            He nods and starts to walk off down the hallway with me. “I figured you were, since I haven’t seen you around before. I’m glad you met me, because if we’re being honest, not everyone would be as welcoming.”

            I know, I think. I’ve already met them. 

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