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                                                         Chapter Twenty-One

                                                                  • Aubrey •

Time is running out. With the poison in my veins, I won’t even make it two days― which, coincidentally, is Peter’s deadline. It’s an actual deadline… Sorry, that’s not funny.

            My back is against the wall, my hands ground into the carpet of Stiles’ bedroom. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes; I can’t stand watching Stiles pace back and forth anymore, gnawing on his nails in concentration.

            Despite what he thinks, there’s nothing he can do to save me. I’ve accepted this fate a long time ago.

            Dr. Deaton released me a few hours ago, aware that there was nothing he could do. When Stiles drove me to Allison’s house, I was unsurprised to find Chris standing in the doorway, Allison shielded behind him. He told me to get out― that even though he refused to hunt anymore, his house was not a safe haven for shape-shifters.

            Already, people have been hurt because of me. Lydia, attacked by my crazy, obedient fiancé― ugh, I hate even thinking that word. Allison, all because I couldn’t figure out how to control a monster. And soon, I’ll hurt Stiles, too.

            Coughing, I spit up blood again, unable to keep a whimper from escaping. The room spins around me and my body shakes uncontrollably. I know the alpha pack did this― my second warning. I just didn’t think they would go so far as to kill me.

            Unless… unless Roxanne has an antidote, which she’ll only administer if I return to the pack.

            Would I really choose freedom over life, no matter the cost? Just because I know I’m going to die doesn’t mean I’ve accepted it. No, she knows me too well.

            That manipulative, conniving bitch.

            “Stiles,” I whisper, my throat dry. “Stiles, I need you to do something for me.”

            He turns towards me, his thumb against his jaw line. “Anything.”

            “I need you to take me to the alpha pack.”

            Clenching his jaw, he shakes his head firmly. “No. No, absolutely not. I’m not handing you back over to them― they’re too dangerous.”

            My head pounds, throbbing to the beat of an invisible drum. “I’ll be fine, really. They’re the closest thing I have to family, and it’s time for me to go home.”

            “You’re not like them, Bree. You said that wasn’t your home.”

            It’s not. But instead of lying― I don’t want to lie to him― I say, “If you trust me, you’ll take me to them. You need to trust me.”

            “I do. With my life.” His eyes whisper words of coming home. If I had a real home, it would be him.

            “Then you need to let me go.” I try my best to smile at him, but it wavers. Just for good measure, I add, “And if you don’t, I’ll kick your little human ass, Stilinski.”

            He chuckles, reaching for his car keys. “And you’re back.”

                                                                    •  •  •

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