"Just as he started to bite down Ty and Hunter showed up. They had heard me screaming while on border patrol and saw what was happening. Just as his teeth broke skin he was ripped off of me. Ty held me while Hunter began beating the shit out of him. He had beat me so bad I kept fading in and out of consciousness. I kept begging Ty and Hunter not to tell anyone as they had knocked out Quinn and frankly about killed him. They said they had to so he could be punished but I begged them to just exile him and take me home.

"Eventually they agreed and when Quinn came to they threatened him. Told him if he ever came near me or this pack again they would lock him in a cell and torture him until he died. They must've said something else as he looked terrified and booked it off the territory. I was too battered to pay much attention but then they picked me up and carried me to the hospital. We told my dad that a feral had attacked us and taken Quinn into the forest. I knew he doubted the story but he never pressed us further. For a year Ty or Hunter would sleep in my room as I would have night terrors reliving that day over and over again. I had even choked Ty once before Hunter came in and ripped me off of him. Eventually they got less and less until he was just a tiny speck in the back of my mind.

"Talking about him yesterday must've brought it all back. I'm so sorry I hurt you and I wish I had told you sooner but it just, I hate reliving that day." I sobbed and Aero held me and hushed me.

"It's not your fault Rebel don't you ever blame yourself. I'm so sorry that something so horrible happened to you. I wish I could've protected you for it. Come on let's go back to the castle I have something I need to take care of before we go back to sleep." Aero told me and I nodded as he picked me up bridal style and carried me back into the castle.

When we walked in there was a loud commotion and Kyle and Wyatt were holding back a very pissed off Ty. "I'm gonna kill you!" He was shouting as they were barely able to hold him back.

I looked at Aero confused until I saw that his blue/grey eyes were now a bright shinning silver. "Bring him forward." He commanded as he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me tight against his side.

Two guards walked forward dragging one of his men and when I saw his face I felt a thousand emotions all at once the first being fear until my anger took over. "You." I growled and I watched as Quinn lifted his head locking eyes with me.

A smirk played on his face until he saw who had their arm wrapped around my waist. His face contorted into fear as he began thrashing against the guards holding him. "You lied!" Aero growled as Quinn shook in fear. "You told us you ran away from your old pack because you were rejected by your mate. When in reality you were kicked out for harming my Queen!" Aeros voice was deadly and I watched as everyone seemed to tremble.

My wolf purred at his dominance but we knew what we wanted to do. I placed my hand on Aero's face bring his eyes to mine as I kissed him hard and passionately. "I got this" I whispered as I walked up to Quinn.

"You are a monster and an abomination, you harmed me and tried to mark me without my consent. I used to be scared of you but now you are nothing more that a pathetic pup to me. Now you must pay for your crimes." I told him as I reached down and ripped off his make parts as he screamed in agony. "That is for what you did to my body, pliers." I asked as someone handed me a set of pliers and I yanked out his canines. "That is for trying to mark me without my consent just to become the Rogue King. And this is for being a sad excuse for a werewolf." I said as I extended one of my claws and sliced both of his wrists.

Everyone stood there and watched as he slowly bleed to death screaming in agony and the damage I had cause to his body. Once his heart stopped beating the guards dragged him away and Kyle and Wyatt released Ty. He came running over and wrapped me in a hug. "It's finally over." I whispered to him as I felt a massive weight be lifted off my shoulders. Ty nodded his head as we broke apart.

"Should've let me do that three years ago." He said.

"I know but it's done now." I told him as Aero wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back into his chest.

"Mine." He grumbled as he stuck his head in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent.

I couldn't help but smile. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, "take me back to our bed." I whispered in a sultry voice.

Aero growled as he lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist as he ran full speed back up to our room. He helped me shower off the blood that I had gotten all over myself as we made love till just about dawn.

When we finally got up and ready everyone had been waiting on us. We ate quickly and then headed out to begin our journey to the remote mountains that held the sacred knife. It was going to be very dangerous as we would have to travel through dense forests and steep rock cliffs all while searching for a cave that has been undiscovered for centuries.

After a two day drive we managed to make it to where the trail begins. We set off Aero, Ty, Kyle and I as well as 6 guards to find this cave.

After the first three days of hiking we knew we were getting close as the terrain got steeper and more difficult. On the fourth day we were working our way around the side of this mountain face I was in front with Aero behind me followed by Ty and Kyle. My hand was holding onto the rocks as we had barely enough room for our feet on this ledge. We were just about to where the path widened when the rock I placed my hand on pushed into the wall. Next thing I know the wall opens up where my other hand is and I fall into the mountain. The last thing I remembered was hearing Aero shout, "Rebel!" as he tried to grab my hand but I was just out of his reach.

Aero's POV

When I heard a click I looked back to make sure all the men were alright. I then turned back just in time to see Rebel fall into a hole that just appeared in the mountain side. "Rebel!" I yelled as I reached out for her barely missing her fingertips as she plummeted into the dark hole. "Rebel!" I shouted again but heard no response.

I quickly undid the rope that I had brought as I secured it to a large rock that was just on the other side of the hole. Ty followed behind me and we began making out descent into the mountain, unsure of what we were about to find. The only thing I cared about was making sure Rebel wasn't hurt.

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