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Matt had his hand on the small of Shanae’s back as he led her to his car, but before they were out of eyesight of the house Matt slipped his hand down to Shanae’s ass and gave it a squeeze, making Shanae yelp and blush. Matt turned around and winked at Tillie who he knew was looking through the window. Tillie wolf whistled and yelled out “Use protection you crazy kids!!” Shanae turned around now aware why Matt squeezed her ass and flipped Tillie off.

Shanae blushes and moved closer to Matt’s side. Matt just chuckled and brought her closer as they made it to his car. “I’m sorry baby girl.” Matt said as leant against the passenger side of his car and spread his legs slightly so Shanae could go in between them. “It’s okay.” Shanae giggled blushing. Matt leant in and softly kissed her lips and brought Shanae closer and deepened the kiss, Matt slid his hands down her sides and reached her arse, squeezing it, making her gasp. Matt took the opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth and gently rubbed his against her. After a while he pulled back and saw Shanae’s redder than usual lips and bit his lips, getting more turned on. “I love you” he said while letting her go and placing her in the car. “I love you more.” She replied while doing her seatbelt up as Matt shut the door and went to the driver’s side.

Matt got in the car and started the car and then they were off. “Where are we going?” Shanae asked. “I want it to be a surprise.” Matt stated and moved his hand onto Shanae’s inner thigh and started to gently rub it. “But I want to know. Please?” Shanae replied while putting on her puppy dog face. Matt looked at her and sighed, “Fine, I’ll tell you. You play dirty by the way. You know how cute you look right now…” Matt said as they pulled up at a red light and took his phone out and took a picture and set it as his lock screen. “Anyway, we are going to the beach, watch the sunset, eat some food, skinny dip and if you’re a good girl we can get ice cream.” Matt said winking at Shanae when he said the last part.

Shanae poked her tongue out at Matt. “You look like a five year old, you know that right?” Matt said with amusement in his eyes. “Don’t be a poopy head Matty or you won’t be getting any tonight.” Shanae smirked and winked at Matt. As they pulled up Matt smirked and leant over and whispered in Shanae’s ear, “We’ll see about that won’t we baby girl.” Shanae gasped as Matt gently bit her earlobe, such a simple action had such a big effect on her body.

Matt got out of the car and went around to Shanae’s side and helped her out. Shanae looked out to the beach and her jaw dropped, it wasn’t just the normal beach this beach was a private beach, with crystal blue water and almost white sand. It was beautiful. “Not as beautiful as you.” Matt whispered in her ear. “Did I say that out loud?” “Yes baby girl you did, you also said that I was soooo sexy and you want to f*ck me right now.” Shanae whipped her head around, blushing furiously. “NO I DID NOT, did I?” Matt laughed at her confusion, “No, but you were thinking it right?” Matt smirked at her as she hit his chest. “Don’t be an ass Matty.”

Matt lead Shanae further onto the beach, where a picnic blanket laid with all Shanae’s favourite food. “Thank you Matty, it’s beautiful.” Shanae said as Matt sat down and pulled her in between his legs. “Anything for you baby girl, anything for you.” Shanae turned around and kissed his cheek and rested her head on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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