Visiting Channing

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As Shanae walked through the gates of Los Vegas airport she was instantly welcomed by nice, brisk, fresh air. She quickly summoned a taxi and put her luggage in the trunk. As she rode in the back she looked at the window at all the passing buildings and people on the street.

After about fifteen minutes the taxi arrived at the hotel Channing was staying at. The taxi driver turned and said "that will be $10," Shanae gave him a ten dollar note and got out and grabbed her luggage with the help of the bellhop. As Shanae jumped in the elevator she started to feel nervous. Suddenly the elevator bell dinged and Shanae stepped out and started to look for room 335.

When she found it she paid the bellhop some money and went to open the door when she heard strange noises, but she proceeded in to what she thought she would never see, Channing on top of another girl, obviously not doing anything innocent. Shanae felt tears building up but was not going to cry over this, so Shanae slammed the door to get their attention.

As soon as the sound of the door slamming hit them Channing and the mystery lady stopped and both their heads flew in Shanae's direction. Channing's face went pale as he saw Shanae, "baby it's not what it looks like..." Shanae suddenly bursted out laughing, everyone looked at her shocked and confused.

After she sobered up from her laughing fit she said "oh so you tripped and your dick just so happened to land in her vagina..." Shanae smiled sweetly at Channing "... you know Channing you are an actor you should be better at lying." And with that she opened up the door and ran to elevator and out the front door of the hotel, where she called a taxi and drove to the airport.

At the airport she was swarmed by paparazzi that just so happened to find out the news straight away. Shanae put her head down and ran into the airport where she asked for a return ticket back to Beverly Hills. The lady at the desk smiled sadly at her and said "im sorry but the next plane won't be until tomorrow." But Shanae couldn't stay here that long all she wanted to do was go home and get into her pyjamas and watch sad movies while eating ice cream and maybe cuddling up to ..... Matt.

So Shanae called up her father's pilot from his private jet that he lets her use, but Shanae doesn't like to use it as she doesn't want to use her dad's things, but this was an emergency. So she called up her dad's pilot Michael who told her "he was on his way and will be there soon."

Forty- five minutes later, Michael arrived at the airport with the jet, he found Shanae sitting half asleep, with puffy red eyes making her look like she has been crying, well she had been. He quickly gathered her bags up and loaded them onto the plane, as Shanae hopped on the plane and laid on the bed that was in there and drifted off to sleep.

Around another forty-five minutes later, they arrived safely at L.A.X. Michael gently shook Shanae awake and gave her a small smile and she slowly opened her eyes. "Sweety, we have arrived but you don't look in the right state to drive so I can call you a taxi if you want." Shanae thought about the offer but politely declined as she realised who she wanted to pick her up... Matt. So she quickly dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

After three rings his soft, velvety voice was heard as he said "hello" she then responded by saying "Matt can you please come pick me up, I really need you right now." Matt started to worry after she said that and quickly responded "are you okay? Where are you? Stay right there im coming, im in the car now where are you baby?" Shanae was shocked at his concern, 'why would he be so worried about her? And did he just call her baby?' she chose to ignore the baby part as he probably didn't mean it so she told him where she was, he then told her he was on his way.

After a few minutes Matt rushed into the airport and looked frantically for Shanae. After he saw her he rushed over to her and saw that she was crying, he became more concerned and asked 'what happened' and checked her body for any injury. After he found none he looked into her eyes and again asked her 'what happened?' She finally got enough courage to say "Channing..." "What about Channing" Matt asked. "Channing he... he cheated on me." Shanae said with tears streaming down her face, Matt was shocked 1. He wouldn't have thought that Channing would cheat on Shanae he thought they loved each other and 2. How could he have cheated on such an amazing girl like Shanae?

Matt wiped away Shanae's tears and picked her up bridal style and carried her to the car and told Michael who was just about to leave to collect her luggage for her. As they walked to the car Shanae curled up into Matt's chest and just cried into his shirt, leaving tear stains and mascara stain but Matt could care less, he just wanted to hold her and comfort her. But Matt felt guilty as he was slightly happy at the thought of Channing cheating on her as he thought she might give him a chance. He already loved her and would do anything for her, but he decided to push those thoughts into the back of his mind and just focus on the heartbroken Shanae that he had just strapped in and was heading home with.

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