Shanae and Matt?

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The next morning Shanae woke up with strong masculine arms around her waist. She slightly panicked as she felt light kisses on the top of her head, but then she breathed in and could smell his sent, she then knew whose arms she was in... Matt's and that is where she wanted to be. She then cuddled deeper into his chest and smiled with her eyes still closed. "Morning Beautiful," Matt huskily whispered in her ear sending a shiver down her spine. Not a bad one but a good one, a shiver that told her that he was the one she wanted to be with, the one that made a nether region come alive.

Shanae turned over and looked into his beautiful eyes that were looking down at her and she did what she always wanted to do she leaned up and connected her lips with his. Instantly he moved his lips with hers as they moved slowly together. After a few seconds he realises what he is doing and he pulls back. Shanae instantly feels rejected and puts her head down as her eyes fill up with tears.

Matt pulls her head up and wipes the tears that had spilt over with his thumb. Shanae pushes him away and goes to get off the bed, but was unsuccessful as Matt slid his arms around her waist and pulls her back down into his chest. "Let go" she yells at him, but he doesn't let go. "No! Listen to me!" Shanae stops struggling and stays still waiting for an explanation with tears running down her cheeks.

Matt spins her around so she is facing him and looks into her eyes "I want to kiss you, fuck I want to kiss you so bad, but you are vulnerable at the moment, heck you just walked in on your boyfriend of 5 years cheating on you. You should be an emotional wreck; you should be watching sad movies and eating tonnes of ice cream, I feel like if I kiss you I will be taking advantage of you." Matt's voice got softer every word he said, after his little speech Shanae was silent and stared at him before saying "your right, I should be an emotional wreck; but I can't be, I literally can't be sad about it because I don't know if it was a bad thing that it happened." "Why isn't it a bad thing?" "Because I want you" with that Matt smashed his lips to hers and they slowly moved in sync.

After what seemed like forever they both pulled apart and gasped for air and looked at each other, Matt was the first to speak "does this make us a couple?" Shanae thought to herself ' am I ready for this I mean I just came out of a relationship, am I ready to be in another one so soon? I don't know if im ready, but I know I want to be with him.' Matt was about to say 'don't worry about it, that it was probably too soon' but before he could Shanae said "I would like that," with that Matt leaned down and softly kissed her lips again.


Shanae and Matt were know sitting at the breakfast table and eating some pancakes, Shanae was sitting in Matt's lap and Matt had one hand that was rubbing Shanae's inner thigh while he was getting fed his pancake by Shanae. While this was happening Dylan and Tillie came down the stairs to see them eating. Tillie and Dylan both raised their eyebrows and looked at the pair. "Um what's going on here?" Tillie asked. "Just eating some breakfast with my boyfriend" Shanae responded looking at Dylan and Tillie's faces for their reactions. "Boyfriend? What about Channing?" Dylan asked. Matt wrapped his arms around Shanae tightly and clenched his jaw and said through clenched teeth "that asshole cheated on her yesterday" Matt's grip tightened with every word he said. "WHAT!!" both Tillie and Dylan said at the same time, they both looked like they were ready to kill Channing. "Where the fuck is that asshole? Im going to fucking smash his face in!"

"No, that's my job," Matt said, Shanae looked at him and kissed his neck. "You won't be smashing anyone's face in, especially Channing's because if there is anything I learnt in those 5 years was that Channing is a pussy and will report you to the police if you do anything to him." "I don't fucking care he is going to get what he deserves!" Matt declared. "No, baby please..." Matt sighed and kissed her lips, "Okay, but he is lucky I have to look after my little baby" Matt winked at Shanae and lifted her off his lap and placed her on the floor and stood as well and hands her $1,000, Shanae looked at it confused. "Take it and go shopping with Tillie for something nice, im taking you out tonight." "I don't need your money; I've got plenty of my own." Shanae stated and pushed his hand away "I know you do but I'm your boyfriend and I want to provide for you, please take it" Matt placed it in her hand and wrapped her fingers around it and pulls her towards him with her hand and kisses her placing his hand on the back of her neck, keeping her in place. "Till tonight my love, I'll pick you up at 6" he said with one last kiss and then left the house.

Shanae went into the living room where Tillie was making out with Dylan on the couch. Shanae clears her throat to get their attention, they break away from each other and Tillie blushes a little. Shanae looks at Tillie "Wanna come shopping with m, I have a date with Matt tonight and I need to look good?" Tillie nods her head and gets up "Yeah I just need to find my credit card" "Here you go babe," Dylan pulls out some money from his wallet and hands it to Tillie. "Thank you baby, I love you" Tillie leaned down and kissed Dylan again, "I love you too, stay safe girls." "Yeah, yeah" Shanae says and pulls Tillie out the front door to her car. When in the car Tillie looks at Shanae and says "You have a lot of explaining to do."

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