"It was just like a movie"

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A few days later and Tillie and Jeremy came back from camping and walked in the door as happy as can be. Tillie walked into the kitchen where Shanae was making coffee.

Tillie saw the look on Shanae’s face. She looked confused, upset and a bit worried. Before Tillie could ask what is wrong Shanae blurted out “I almost kissed Matt.” Tillie shocked said “o my god, what happened?” Shanae explained everything, Tillie was smiling and said “it was just like a movie,” but that was the problem, it wasn’t a movie.

Tillies birthday was in a week, and Shanae, Channing, Rebel, Matt Lucas and Jeremy were planning to throw a surprise party for her. They were going to have her favourite band play, Nine Sons of Dan, a Glow-in-the-dark party, a waterslide and a French chief.

Everyone was invited including Matt; Tillie was the only one who new about the Shanae and Matt thing. So she couldn’t go to anyone to talk to. Which made it harder; she couldn’t just not invite him because people would get suspicious.

Shanae could not concentrate on the party; she was so worried about Matt coming. At one point she just wanted to Tillie about the party, she was that worried. Of course she didn’t tell her because she didn’t want to let the others down.

So she went on planning the party. Until day three of party planning an extra helper came in as Channing had to go and do another movie. That other helper was Matt.

Shanae shocked was thinking “o my god, of course it is Matt.” But then she was kind of relieved because she could straighten things out with him.

But that didn’t go to plan. Not knowing about anything the next night, Rebel and Matt Lucas left early to go to a party and Jeremy left Matt and Shanae alone to go hang out with Tillie.

So Matt and Shanae were alone and Shanae approached him, about to say “I really like Channing.” But before she could say anything Matt kissed her, but she didn’t pull away, because part of her wished that, that happened on the day of the almost kiss.

After the kiss Matt said “I really like you and that confirmed that you liked me too.” Which was true, but before she answered she ran inside, to talk to Tillie.

When she knocked on Tillie’s door Jeremy answered, she said she needed to talk to Tillie, but it could wait until tomorrow. So Shanae went to her room and locked the door. She sat up watching movies that Channing stared in.

She watched them all night and didn’t sleep at all. By the morning she got up and in the Kitchen Matt was making breakfast for her. When she asked who let him in he said “Jeremy, when he left to go hang out with his friends.”

Then before Shanae could rush to talk to Tillie, Matt said “about last night I hope that doesn’t get in the way of our friendship.” Shanae replied “it is ok it won’t.” Matt let out a sigh of relief.

As she ran to Tillie’s room. She was still sleeping so Shanae knocked on the door and then just walked in, to see clothes all on the floor. Before Shanae could ask what happened, Tillie quickly said “We had a clothes fight.” Shanae then replied “No you didn’t.” Tillie the looked worried because she thought Shanae knew what really went on. Then Shanae said “you guys had a clothes war!”

Relieved Tillie asked what had happened to her, they sat on Tillie’s bed and Shanae explained everything. Tillie then said “so when was the last time Channing made breakfast for you,” but Shanae couldn’t answer that question. So Tillie said “so we have a romantic one on our hand.”

Shanae, not feeling any better just laughed at the non-helpful, yet pretty funny joke Tillie just made. She then said “you are not a very good comforter”, Tillie then said “I know.” There then was a knock on the door it was Matt, he said “I am going for a surf and my friends bailed on me, so would you girls like to come.” Shanae loved surfing and so did Tillie, but she didn’t really know how to do it.

So Tillie didn’t want to go, but Shanae pleaded her to go. So the girls put on their bikinis and Shanae put on her wet suit over top, and she grabbed her surfboard. They all drove in Matts Jeep.

At the beach Tillie just went and sun baked to get a tan while Shanae and Matt went out surfing. Matt caught heaps of waves and Shanae struggled to catch them. So Matt helped her with her technique. On the sand they laid Shanae’s surf board on the sand and she jumped on showing him her technique.

Matt then jumped on the board and behind Shanae and adjusted her stand on the board. Tillie seeing what was going on said quickly “I have these craving for ice cream, let’s go get some ice cream.” Shanae and Matt liking the idea packed up their stuff and walked to a beach shop just up the beach.

As they were walking the paparazzi were there and asking them questions, most of them was stupid, but there was one who yelled out “so Matt Lucas and Shanae Priestley are dating, what about Channing Tatum.” Shanae quickly denying it acted natural and went into the shop and ordered ice cream.

After that they drove back to the mansion, where Tillie said thanks and went inside forgetting about leaving them two alone, so she quickly looked out the window. Shanae thanked him and instead of saying “your welcome,” he latched onto her hands and kissed her again, but this time was different, it was longer and Shanae seemed to enjoy it more.

After that she went inside the main house to find Tillie standing there, shaking her head, she then said “you just can’t help yourself can you?” Shanae then feeling disgusted with herself went to their seventy inch television and turned onto ‘Hollywood Gossip,’ where there was a picture of Shanae’s face, with two arrows, one pointing at Matt Lanter and one pointing at Channing Tatum. They then showed a video of Shanae and Channing walking down the red carpet, then a video of Matt and Shanae at the beach, when Matt was helping her with her technique. Next they showed Shanae and Channing kissing in photos and Matt and Shanae kissing out the front of the main house, which just happened a minute ago.

Shanae then quickly prayed to God that Channing didn’t see that and she ran to the guest house and told Matt about the story that was just on the news.

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