Chapter 16: The Final Battle

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Hey guys! Second to last chapter!!!! Things are really starting to heat up and there are gonna one or plot twists just to throw you off ;)

Scott’s POV
when we finally reached the mansion, I couldn’t believe my eyes. All of the students were still there, but they were standing in formation like soldiers. They didn’t attack us or even make eye contact with any of us. They just stood there, still as statues. It was so horrible seeing them like this, our friends. Bobby, Kitty, Jubilee, Remy, Kurt. But in all the students it felt as if someone was missing, someone had escaped. In amongst all of the students, Jean came out. She was smiling. Not her kind smile that showed she was happy, a different smile. One that meant that what she wanted to happen, happened. We had fallen into a trap. Her eyes were engulfed by the scarlet flames of the Phoenix.
“Jean!” I called. She looked at me, vaguely recognising my face then moving on to a higher prize. Raven. Raven backed away slowly as the Phoenix approached her.
“It is such a shame that Xavier has once again clouded your mind, Mystique.” She taunted. Raven suddenly froze and fell over backwards, unconscious. I ran over to her.
“Jean, you’ve got to listen to me!” I pleaded. She laughed.
“You were able to help her last time because she was actually here!” she replied cruelly. “Do you not see? Jean’s mind is inside of Rogue. You cannot get to her from me!” she explained.
“That proves that there is still a part of Jean in you.” I realised. “If there wasn’t, you wouldn’t have told me where Jean really was!” I was satisfied and looked into the crowd of students to find Rogue, but she wasn’t there. That’s it! That’s who was missing. Somehow Rogue had managed to evade the Phoenix’s powers.
“Storm!” I yelled. I pointed up to an open window on the top floor of the mansion. She nodded to me, ran then picked me up and flew me through the open window. From what I could hear, it sounded like the Phoenix had set the students upon the X-Men, but I couldn’t worry about that now. I had to focus on finding Rogue.

Lorna’s POV
I had eventually found the school and was wondering the hallways when I heard someone crying. I turned into what used to be a bedroom and saw a girl about the same age as me lying on the floor.
“Are you okay?” I asked, timidly. She didn’t seem to hear me. I sat down with her and cradled her head in my lap. I stroked her hair whispering:
“You’re not alone anymore.” She continued to sob and I felt sorry for her.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if the people in my family really do love me.” I started thinking out loud. I did that a lot.
“I mean, my father favours me over my brother and sister because they were born to a different woman. Who were your parents?” I asked. She didn’t respond so I went on rambling.
“Yes, my mother was lovely, but she was absolutely horrid to Wanda and Pietro. She didn’t understand why my father took them in. Neither do me, really. It’s not that I don’t like them, I love them, but my father doesn’t. He probably only kept them for their powers. What are your powers anyway?” there was another long pause.
“John and Marie.” She said.
“Excuse me?”
“My parents were John and Marie.” She repeated, standing up slowly. “Marie is where my name came from, as well as Anna, who was my grandmother.” When she was finally standing up straight she looked at me.
“Anna… Marie… I remember!” she squealed. I was about to reach for her hand when she pulled it back. She rummaged in a nearby draw and pulled out a pair of gloves.
“It’s a long story.” She explained. Once the gloves were securely on her hands, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the hallway. As we were running towards a window, we crashed into someone. It was one of the X-Men.
“Rogue!” he cried. “You’re alright! Oh thank God I found you. We have to get you to touch the Phoenix in order to return Jean. Come on!” We followed, though I still had almost no idea what was happening. We ran into the courtyard where one of the soldiers was standing. He was not one of the students though.

Logan’s POV
the Professor had just freed me from the Phoenix. I looked up and saw her standing there. It was horrible to see her like this, all over again. She was completely out of control and everything around her was being destroyed. The very matter holding everything together was being ripped apart by only the power of her mind. My instincts suddenly kicked in. I jumped on top of her and tackled her. She shot me back with her mind but I managed to hold my ground.
“I’m sorry, Jean.” I yelled. Her eyes changed back to her normal, shining blue.
“Please.” She pleaded. I nodded and did the hardest thing in the world. I stabbed her with my claws. She screamed then her whole body went limp. I heard Scott yelling at me. I carried her corpse back to the Professor, who hung his head sullenly. It was over. All over.

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