Chapter 6: Accidents and Mistakes

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Rogue’s POV

The whole school was still buzzing after Jean’s attack on Bobby. I say he got what he had coming to him. He was just an idiot, we went out for a while but it didn’t work out, he only cared about himself. Definitely not the boyfriend type. He cheated on me with Kitty, but enough about that, Jean gave him what he deserved. Poor Raven keeps having nightmares. The worst part about them is that she keeps shape shifting, so we know exactly what is happening in her dreams. One night, for the first time, she shape shifted a few times but then turned into a girl with bright blue skin and red hair. She had what looked like scales and her hair was stringy and short. Jean and I looked at each other, unaware of what we should do. We tried to wake her up, but Jean did most of the work (as I was in my PJ’s and didn’t have any gloves on). Raven jerked awake, knocking Jean back and into me. I watched in horror as her life force was drained from her body and into mine. I stood back as Jean’s unconscious body slumped to the floor.
“What happened?” asked Raven, clearly confused. After I explained everything Raven flipped out and changed back into her sister.
“How long until she wakes up?” she asked.
“I only touched her for a second, so a few hours at the most.” I explained. We both had a shock when Jean’s eyes flew open after only a minute or two, but they weren’t Jean’s eyes. They were red and terrifying.
“Finally,” she said. “I’ve been hoping for this to happen for a long time.” It hit me. I could hear Jean’s voice screaming inside my head. It wasn’t Jean who was talking to us.
“The Phoenix,” I muttered. Jean/The Phoenix nodded, slyly. Everything was clear now. Jean was inside my head, and the Phoenix had taken control of Jean’s body.

Raven’s POV
The Phoenix walked forwards and brushed her hand against Rogue’s face, but nothing happened. It seems that the Phoenix is so strong that, even Rogue’s powers cannot take control of it. The Phoenix turned to me,
“Why is it that you hide your true face?” she asked me. I said nothing but I knew that she was searching through my thoughts for an answer.
“How can you expect others to accept you, if you can’t even accept yourself?”

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