Chapter 1: Introductions

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Professor Xavier was sitting in Cerebro scanning for any misguided mutants when he suddenly felt a surge of power stronger than he ever had before. He left Cerebro and headed straight for his office. As quickly as he could, he sent out a telepathic message to Ororo, Logan, Scott and Hank. The X-Men. Ororo, also known as Storm, has the power to manipulate the weather. In fact, when she lived in Africa, many people in her village thought she was a god. Wolverine, Logan, was the oldest by a long way. He has multiple muttations including razor sharp claws coming out of his fists, and a slow body clock. This means that while he is centuries old, he has the body of a 25 year old. Also his bones are covered in Adamantium making him nearly indestructable, though this was not a natural muttation.  Cyclops, Scott, was the youngest of the group but in a way he was just as powerful as any of the adults. He had the ability to shoot lasers out of his eyes. Unfortunately, he could not control this ability forcing him to wear glasses designed by the Professor, to shield others from the dangerous rays. Hank, also known as beast, has the most obvious mutation of all the X-Men. He has the appearance of a bear crossed with an ape. He has become covered in blue fur and also has hands as feet, much like a monkey, making it easy for him to climb. His powers also provide him with great strenght. Professor Xavier (The Professor, Professor X), has very strong telepathic powers. Unfortunately, when he was younger, he was shot in the back accidentaly, causing him to be confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life.

Now the Professor has used Cerebro (a machine used to amlify his abilities in order to find other mutants in need) to find a mutant that is stronger than any other he had ever sensed.

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