Chapter 12: Mansion Down

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Wanda’s POV
My father has been acting with the upmost stupidity. Every time the Phoenix speaks or even comes within 10 feet of him, he quivers with fear. Does he not know that she is on our side? I feel very privileged to be in the presence of a mutant this great and powerful. In fact, she even complimented me on my abilities, which is a great deal more praise then I get from my father. Maybe now they will consider respecting me a bit more. I was sent to check on how our prisoner was doing. He stood there, solidly like a soldier. Apparently he had been a soldier in many wars. It had been easy to take him from the group when they tried to flee. Stupid man. Apparently his whole skeleton has been lined with Adamantium, which made it ridiculously easy for my father to snatch him from the X-Men. He is pretty much indestructible as well as immortal. This all makes him a perfect weapon to be used against the X-Men.
“Wanda?” I heard my father call. Reluctantly I replied.
“Yes, father?” he saw me and came to me looking worried.
She has asked for you.” I was much taken aback. What did the Phoenix want with me? I silently and quickly head into Professor Xavier’s old office that was now our private headquarters. She sat in a chair with her back to me. I didn’t know if I should announce myself or not. She obviously knew I was there.
“You do not need to bother with announcing yourself, Wanda.” She said. “Others might, but not you.” Her chair spun around to face me. “You have a very special gift, Wanda. You are very smart so you have probably already realised that not everyone who helps me is guaranteed to survive.” I nodded. I had wondered if my family might be spared or not.
“So far I have decided to spare your father, your sister, Raven, and you.” I was amazed and grateful that she would spare my life. Then I realised the problem.
“What about my brother?” I asked. I quickly realised how rude it must have sounded. “If you don’t mind my asking.” I added, quickly. She smiled.
“I do not see how his powers could be of use to me once we have established control.” She stated simply. I could not argue, but he was my twin brother! My only friend for many years. I nodded and backed out of the room with my face to the ground. Once I was out of the building, I ran to find Pietro. I ran around one of the large buildings and found him talking with Azazel. After an incident a few days ago when Azazel angered me and I almost killed him, he has been quite afraid of me. Because of this, he teleported as soon as he saw me. Pietro, instead, smiled and hugged me.
“How are things, sister?” he asked, casually. I didn’t reply. How could I tell him that he would die and I would live? “Wanda, you look troubled. What is the matter?”
“The Phoenix talked to me. About her plans, I mean.” I explained. He nodded to show that he was following. “She told me that she was going to spare my life, Lorna’s life and father’s life, but she does not believe that your powers will be of use to her once she takes control of this world.” His eyes widened in shock.
“Don’t worry,” I reassured him. “She trusts me. Maybe, I could convince her…” he shook his head. I felt my knees buckle and my legs give way as I collapsed into my brother’s arms. I felt my mind go blank.

Phoenix’s POV
How dare her! Though I had anticipated that she would alert her brother, I did not think that she would have the audacity to assume that she could influence my decisions. Once I shut down her mind, Pietro carried her away. I followed him until he laid her on a bed in the school’s old medical wing.
“You understand why I won’t need you.” I told him.
“As long as my sisters are safe, I don’t care what you do to me.” He replied. He didn’t face me, I don’t think he had the courage. Or the nerve.
“Who ever said that they were safe?” I muttered. I left the room and closed the door. Locking it as I did so. As Pietro realized what my words meant he ran for me, but was trapped by the door.

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