Chapter 8: Insanity and Reason

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Phoenix’s POV

I woke up in a strange place. The walls of the room were blank, and I sat on a bed with grey sheets that were ruff and uncomfortable. There was someone else on the other side of the room that I could not see. I could have read their mind to find out who they were but I simply could not have been bothered.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because I awoke on the floor of the same room. I felt anoyed, I still had trouble controlling Jean’s body. Stupid girl. Though I had only been up for a minute or so, the strange devil man who I now know as Azazel, appeared with Raven in his arms. She was unconscious as he laid her down on the bed. Once Azazel had left, I stroled over to Raven. The poor girl, it’s such a shame that she can’t even accept herself as a mutant. I smiled and put my hand on her forehead. A warm glow encaced her then faded away. Maybe now she may be a little more thankful for her inward appearance. There was a sudden crash as the door was flung against the opposite wall. I turned to face the intruder. I took me absolutely no time at all to find out everything about the three men standing before me. Magneto, Sabretooth and Azazel.
“I hope you’re not here to threaten me, because that’s not going to end very well now, is it?” I said. Magneto was trying to look superior but I could see the fear that lingered behind his eyes. No one spoke, and I was quickly growing bored. I flicked my hand in the direction of Azazel. He hit the celing and the landed flat on his face. I couldn’t help but be amused.
“We did not bring you here to quarrel.” Said Magneto in as steady a voice as he could muster.
“I will help you, and I will get Raven to help you.” I said as I quickly read his mind. Magneto nodded at Sabretooth who picked the now unconscious Azazel and carried him out of the room. The person who had been hiding in the shadows now revealed himself as he came into the light.

Peatro’s POV

Damn, that bitch is scary. The Phoenix or whatever the hell she calls herself is freaking crazy. My father must be insane to think that she would really help us. She can read minds, but he sure as hell can’t. She doesn’t at all even acknowledge that I have revealed myself. She probably read my mind ages ago so there is no degree of surprise in her face.

Raven’s POV

I must have been asleep for quite some time. I remembered the problems with Jean from last night, then talking to the Professor. A strange man came in and – blank. I have no idea what happened after that.  I was sitting in a big, red, armchair. I looked up from where I was sitting to see Jean sitting opposite from me. No, not Jean. The Phoenix. As soon as she saw that I was awake, she ran forward and hugged me.
“Oh, Raven!” she cried. “I thought that you weren’t going to wake up.” She started sobbing and I felt a little uncomfortable.
“Okay,” I managed to mutter. “I guess you’re not the Phoenix, then.” She let go of me and said:
“No, I got rid of her, she’s not coming back. It’s me now. There’s a man, his name is Eric. I’m sorry but, the Professor lied to us, he just wants us as part of a mutant army. Eric will help us, you have to trust me.” And suddenly, I did trust her. I believed every word that she said. I don’t know why but somehow I knew what she was telling me was the truth.

Charles’ POV

Both of the girls (Raven and Jean) have been gone for two days now. As Jean’s subconscious is inside Rogue’s head I can’t trace her. The Phoenix has put a psychic barrier in every one of their heads. I dread to think what Magneto will do with the Phoenix itself at his disposal, and Raven… I can’t see how she would do anything he told her. We still can’t figure out how to get Jean out of Rogue’s head. The whole audial has been torture for the poor girl and sometimes it feels as if she will go insane from the pain it has caused her. I’ve had to excuse her from lessons for the last two days so that she has time to rest and relax. The best thing for her would be to forget this whole thing but if we want to get Jean back, then that is something that cannot happen. I fear now that the Phoenix is set loose, everyone on this planet is in more danger than ever before. Whatever deal she made with Magneto, it cannot be good.

X-Men Origins - Jean Greyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें