Chapter 10: Betrayed

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I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry that I have been so, so, so, so, so, so, slow with this update. As some of you would know, I have been writing like 5 other books but I have finished them all now so I can focus on this. So updates should be a lot faster than they have been. I also have been suffering from SEVERE writers block so you know…

Phoenix’s POV
We stood in front of the iron clad gate that held the bright emblem of the X-Men. I laughed to myself, he seriously thought that he could defend his precious school a big pair of gates and a few measly booby-traps? He couldn’t destroy me, and he knew it. If he killed me, then he would be killing Jean. Though we no longer were in the same body, our minds shared a psychic link that could only be broken if one of us died. Quicksilver, the Scarlet Witch, Raven, Magneto, Sabretooth, Azazel and myself were about to attack. Though I had a feeling that I would be doing the majority of the work. In a split second, the gates disintegrated.
“Surprise, surprise.” I said. “The might Professor Xavier comes to defend his students.” I did a mock bow as he came face to face with me. It was hilarious how terrified he looked. Such a placid man, yet I could tell his emotions just by looking at his face. I didn’t even have to read his mind.
“Leave now,” he said simply. I laughed.
“You have no power over me!” I replied. “If you destroy me, then you destroy Jean. Now, hand over your school and I might just let you all live.” The Scarlet Witch (though I had come to know her as Wanda) lit up her hands with a glowing red beam. I nodded to her. A tree nearby us was ripped from the earth and split in half. Though her powers could never match mine, I was vaguely impressed with her abilities.
“Will you comply?” I asked. He said nothing. “Will you comply?” I repeated, growing impatient. He still remained silent.
“So be it.” I mumbled. I raised my arms above my head and found the minds of every student in the school. I wasn’t going to kill them. No, that would be too easy. I was going to make him kill them. Once I found their minds, I focused all of them on attacking the X-Men. Beast, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine and the Professor. They were the only people who I left alone. They would be made to kill each other.

Ororo’s POV
Raven was there with them, whether she had been forced or if she had betrayed us, I didn’t know. There was a thumping, equal to the sound of thunder, approaching. Suddenly, all of the doors of the school were flung open. The students began marching out to face us. In the time of a heartbeat, all of their powers ignited. Only now had it occurred to me. The perfect mutant army. We were teaching these children how to control their powers. Each child attacked us, with the intent to kill. We would be the death of our students, or they would be the death of us. That was our choice. Kill or be killed. Even the extent of Charles’ abilities could never overpower that of the Phoenix’s. None of us could do this. We had no choice but to run. Even as I went to tell Charles this, he sent out a telepathic message to us all.
“Retreat,” he said. “There is nothing more any of us can do here.” Myself, Hank, the Professor, Logan and Scott left. As I turned back, I saw the company of the Phoenix and Magneto. One of their group had misplaced themselves, but I did not know who.

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