29. Light

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Years had passed and the day had finally arrived. The moment they were all waiting for. Gathered around the radio, Annabel held onto her brothers' hands tightly. John in one and Georgie in the other. They had grown. They were no longer kids and were all adults. The time had flown by without them even noticing.

"The war is over."

A sweet melody ringing in their ears, they jumped excitedly to celebrate. This was what they were waiting for. 1945, the day the world war had ended.

"We've won! It's over!" Annabel exclaimed "it's finally over!"

"We can go home?" Georgie said suddenly, his eyes filled with hope

"Yes, Georgie. We can." Tears swelling in her eyes, Annabel grabbed her brothers. They were finally going home.

"That is jolly news, isn't it." Mary Poppins smiled, immediately grabbing her umbrella from the rack "we'd better get ready."

"What!?" They exclaimed

"Your father is waiting, children. I say you better step on it and pack up."

Shouting their excitement around the house, the three stomped up the stairs. This was it. Their chance to become children once again. The excitement in their eyes upon hearing the word home warmed up Mary's heart. She wished them to reunite with their family just as much as they did. She loved them to bits, it hurt to see them separated for so long. They were all 18 and older, it was only right that they go home to see their father. He wasn't getting any younger.

In the corner of the room, Lilia stood up and grabbed Mary's skirt, hoping to be picked up.

"Darling, are you alright?"

"What's happening?"

"Well, dear." She crouched down to meet her eye to eye "we're finally going home."

"Is this not home."

"Of course it is! Wherever we are is home." Jack suddenly piped in from behind them "but it's time to move where we used to live."

"Oh." Lilia tried to gather in all the information. For a five year old, she was pretty smart. Definitely took her mothers genes in that section.

Standing up, Mary felt Jack's arms reach around her waist. A gentle smile appeared on her face as she turned around to face him. She was just as in love with him as the day they had first met. He was her world. The once small world that was growing even bigger.

"I love you." he said, breaking the silence

"Why so suddenly?" She asked, a cheeky grin appearing

"It had to be said. After all, we'll finally go back home. Back to my lamplighter family, the Banks' kids with theirs and we can build a new life there with Lilia in the middle of it all." Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, a wave of sincerity spreading over him "and with you by my side, we can conquer anything. Big or small."

There it was. The sweet man that swept her off of her feet. The reason why her heart would constantly beat so fast whenever she even thought of him. His very existence filled her with joy.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Lilia cried, interrupting their sweet moment "I'm hungry!"

Laughing, Jack picked her up onto his shoulders "let's grab a small snack then and then we'll pack. We have a bright day ahead of us."

Watching them walk away, Mary tapped her umbrella onto the floor. In the blink of an eye, her bag appeared before opening up. Magically, each item in the living room soon began to pile into her never ending bag. In just under a minute, Mary smiled to herself in satisfaction.

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