16. Miracle

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As the kids continued to talk to Jack with Michael watching over them, Jane took Mary Poppins to the side. Something was bothering her and she wanted to know why.

"Mary Poppins, may I speak to you?" Jane asked as they left the hospital room

"Yes. What is it?"

"Are you sick?"

Mary Poppins just raised an eyebrow "I've been feeling a little under the weather lately but it's probably nothing to be concerned about..."

"Hmm..." Jane looked at her, still not satisfied with the answer "Do you not want to have a small check up? To see if you're okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Jane. Thank you for worrying but it's not necessary"

At that moment, Mary Poppins felt uneasy and nauseous once again. Covering her mouth, she quickly ran to a toilet with Jane following after. There was definitely something wrong, Jane knew it because the ever so perfect Mary Poppins was now sick. Waiting outside, a sudden thought struck Jane. She had seen this before.

Walking out a lot better, Jane grabbed Mary Poppins hand with a serious expression.

"I really do think you should get a check up, while we're here at the hospital."

"I appreciate the concern Jane but it's really not necessary."

"No please."

Mary Poppins looked at her and saw that Jane looked genuinely worried.

"I've seen this before... it's a common sickness in people who are" she paused "expecting." Jane said the last word carefully and slowly.

Trying to understand what she meant, a lightbulb turned on inside of Mary Poppins. Knees getting weaker, Jane held her up.

"That's not possible..." Mary Poppins whispered

"You said it yourself, anything is possible..." Jane looked her in the eye "so please go and check so we can be sure"

Finally, reluctantly agreeing, they made their way to a nurse. After waiting a couple of minutes, they were allowed into the doctors office. Although she wasn't showing, Mary Poppins was feeling very nervous. Her brain thinking of all sorts of weird scenarios. By her side, Jane smiled at her reassuringly.

"So, how may I help you?" The doctor asked

"We'd like a small check up please..." Jane pointed at Mary Poppins "she's been quite sick recently"

"Alright. Please tell me your conditions and when it all started."

Jane nodded at Mary Poppins who spoke quietly yet still in her usual manner "sickness for the most part. Nausea and headaches..."

"I see." The doctor quickly wrote the symptoms on a piece of paper "when did it start happening?"

"About a week ago..." Mary Poppins replied before stopping

"Okay, I'm just going to do a few tests on you. Don't worry about any of it and then we'll see what's wrong."

Quietly obeying him, they did test after test and finally after 20 minutes they were done. Still a little nervous, Mary Poppins continued to sit upright on her seat. The doctor disappeared for a while leaving the two to sit there.

"You know why I could guess?" Jane said

Turning her attention to Jane, Mary Poppins raises a brow.

"Michael's wife... when she was pregnant with all three children she was always sick. Morning sickness is what it was called but she used to complain about how it lasted all day not just the morning..." Jane smiled as she remembered her late sister-in-law "you reminded me of her"

Mary Poppins didn't know how to reply so she just sat there in silence. Breathing heavily, the time continued to tick.

"What do I do if it does turn out positive?" Mary Poppins asked, clearly scared

"Mary Poppins. Out of all the people in this world, you should know that best. You spent most of your life taking care of children. You took care of me and Michael and now Michael's children."

"I'm still a little worried..."

"Is Jack... the father?" Jane asked abruptly

"I... I suppose so..."

Jane giggled and held her hands "now it'll give him more reason to wake up."

"Let's keep it a secret from the others for now..." Mary Poppins sighed "I want to announce it in a more formal manner than something abrupt"

"Whatever you think is better for you" Jane smiled

Just then, the doctor came back in with the results in his hands.

"Well, Ms Poppins. Nothing out of the ordinary. You're very unusually healthy, everything seems to be perfect."

Jane smiled when she heard the word 'perfect'. Of course Mary Poppins was perfect.

"Your conditions are actually quite normal and they're symptoms most women get when they are pregnant." He finished

Mary Poppins took in a deep breath while Jane tried to stifle in her cheer.

"Do you by any chance know who the father is?" The doctor asked

"Of course she does" Jane piped in "It's not like she sleeps with multiple men"

"Jane!" Mary Poppins buried her head in her hand from embarrassment which only made Jane burst into laughter

"The only thing is, he's currently unconscious in your hospital. His name is Jack." Jane continued

"Ah yes. The one injured from the bombing..." the doctor shook his head "we're getting a lot of that lately"

"Unfortunately..." Jane sighed

"Well, I assure you that we'll do everything in our power to keep him alive but the rest is up to him and his will." The doctor nodded "here is a list of things you should be aware of during pregnancy, I don't think I have to warn you about unhealthy food and drinks"

"Thank you doctor" standing up the two women made their way back to Jack's hospital room

After spending another hour at the hospital, they all decided to go back home. The stars glistened in the night sky as Mary Poppins looked up at them. Looking at the streets, there was no lamp post that was shining. Quite dark it was. Remembering all that happened that day, Mary Poppins was finally feeling a little reassured. Patting her stomach, she sighed and looked up at the stars which were the only lights on that dark night.

It was nearing Christmas time and so the cold breeze was surrounding her. With the stars only as comfort she closed her eyes and silently wished for a miracle.

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