7. Moonlight

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With the moon replacing the sun, its moonlight lighting up the night sky. In the room of a small hotel, a certain man couldn't sleep. As he tossed and turned in his bed, he failed to find a comfortable position. Staring up at the ceiling he sighed. Turning to the clock, he noticed that it was just a little past midnight. Sliding out of bed, he opened up the curtain to look out the window. The rain had ceased and the clouds were parting to reveal a beautiful starry sky. He could see houses and the hills that covered the area. Unlike London, it wasn't busy and there was a beautiful peace.

He only had a few days left there and he didn't want to ruin it. Thinking about what the Banks said to him made him laugh. How funny it was that they could give advice like that at such a young age. But then again, being 16 wasn't exactly a child either. Jack opened up the window to feel the cool breeze blowing into his face.

Getting dressed, he put on his shoes and ventured out to the streets. Bringing the umbrella along just in case. Walking down the path with no real idea of where to go, his feet unconsciously lead him to a small stream. Sitting on the grass next to it, he lay and watched the stars. Each one dazzling brightly and differently.

"If only London was like this..." he whispered to himself "there's too much planes and loud car noises"

His mind began to wander and soon, he started to reminisce of the times he had 5 years ago where they were all happily together. Mary Poppins had just returned back to Cherry Tree Lane and he had met the Banks children for the first time. The fun he had singing, dancing and even turning upside down. He never did those things alone, all of that happened because a certain nanny was bringing life back into the children.

Remembering what Daisy the elderly baker said, he realised he really didn't know much about Mary Poppins. She was beautiful and very obviously practically perfect in every way yet he wanted to do something for her. He had promised to teach her something she didn't know and he vowed to himself that he would accomplish that.

Getting up, he began to walk but found himself near Mary Poppins home. Expecting it to be silent and dark, he noticed a small light flickering in a room upstairs. Thinking, he tried to remember if it was the Banks' room. Just then the light was turned off and Jack was left to wander in the darkness once again. He sighed.

As he began to walk, he heard the sounds of a door being opened. Quickly turning, he saw a female figure standing at the doorway looking at him.

"Jack? What on earth are you doing wandering around at this hour?" Mary Poppins voice rang through the field

"Ah. Couldn't sleep and thought to myself to just take a little walk around" he replied "oh! I have your umbrella"

Walking towards each other, he noticed how different she looked under the moonlight. Her dark brown hair seemed to shimmer and her eyes were twinkling.

"Here you go" he said as he handed it to her

"Thank you"

After a momentary paused he smiled "up for a walk, Mary Poppins?"

This time, a gentle smile appeared on her face. Walking forward she nodded her head "of course"

The door magically closed behind her and the two walked side by side once again.

"Where are we going exactly?" She asked

"There's a small stream nearby, it's a beautiful spot to look at the stars"

"Let's go then shall we"

Jack grinned as he lead the way. Walking down the rocky path, he walked carefully and slowly to make sure that she could catch up. Without realising, he let out his hand towards her.

"This place can be quite slippery, here, I'll help you"

With his reassuring smile, Mary Poppins didn't hesitate to place her hand onto his as he helped her walk across the path. Her hand was cold amongst his warmth and her hands were also slender and soft compared to his large rough ones. It didn't seem to bother her however as she continued to hold him. Finally reaching the stream, they could hear the sound of water. With hands still connected together, they stopped at the area Jack had been laying beforehand.

Standing still, they listened to the sounds of nature in the dark. Just then, they both realised at the same time that they were still both hand in hand. Looking down, they felt hesitant to be the first one to let go. So in that silence, they continued to join their hands. Feeling a little embarrassed, Jack tried to look in all directions. Watching him, Mary Poppins smiled. Seeing him flustered amused her.

"Jack..." she called out to him

"Hm?" His eyes met hers and he took in a deep breath, forgetting to exhale


Finally remembering how to breathe, he chuckled at himself. For the first time, she had seen him act flustered and she wasn't fazed. Mary Poppins looked up at the stars while Jack turned to look at her. Such a peaceful and beautiful moment, he didn't want to ruin it. Deciding within himself that this was the moment, he took in deep breaths. Letting his hand go, he quickly replaced it by intertwining their fingers together. Biting her lip to prevent a smile, Mary Poppins turned to look at him. Staring into each other's eyes, none of them wanted to look away. Jack, who was trying not to smile, smiled anyway causing Mary Poppins to smile as well.

"Silly Jack" she whispered

"I'm sure you're curious... why I wanted to come here" he said


"It wasn't just to visit the Banks... it was..." he paused "I wanted to see you"


"Yes... I had made a promise to you and I wasn't going to be able to fulfil it if I wasn't ever going to see you again..."

Jack could feel his heart pumping in his chest. Trying to take a hold of himself, he shook his head.

"But there's another reason why we're here specifically..." he continued "I have a certain confession to make..."

"A confession?" for some reason, she had a strange feeling she knew what he was going to say

"Please don't be alarmed if I say it as it is" he scratched his head embarrassed, with his free hand

After a mental debate and a few hesitations "I like you. But you obviously don't have to feel the same way, I just had to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a soft pair of lips on his. Upon release, Mary Poppins smiled at him.

"That's my answer"

Jack, was too shocked to speak so Mary Poppins let out a little laugh that even Jack couldn't help but laugh too. Grabbing her by the waist, he drew her closer. Feeling each other's breath on their skin, Jack caressed her face and tilted as he leaned in. Smiling, their lips met once again. In that warm embrace, none of them wanted to let go. As they separated, she leaned onto his chest as they swayed together in the wind.

"You really are silly, Jack" she laughed

With a small peck on her cheek he grinned "I'll take that as an I like you too"

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