12. Separation

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With the Banks' now gone, life was seemingly back to its regular ways. However, there was only a few days left and soon, Jack too, will leave. Nobody wanted to acknowledge it so they tried to distract themselves as much as they could. The three Banks' siblings knew that Mary Poppins and Jack were together so they kept their distance in order for the couple to be able to enjoy the last remaining moments together in peace.

Strolling through the field, Mary Poppins looked at Jack. She felt a little disheartened knowing that he would be going soon. For the first time in a long time, it finally felt like somebody truly cared for her. Their next meeting could be in a few days, weeks or possibly even years. Noticing her solemn look, Jack came over with his usual grin.

"Now why the long face?" He asked pretending to pout

"Oh stop that" she laughed

"You gonna miss me when I'm gone?"

"What an absurd question" she rolled her eyes

"I'm just checking" he winked

"Of course I'll miss you" she smiled as he gave her a big warm embrace

The two stayed in that position until they knew they had to let go. Although, not wanting to be apart, Jack took her hands and into his. Looking into her eyes, he sighed. He was not only going to miss her voice and constant disciplining but holding her hand and looking into her eyes.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity he stood in front of her, their faces nearly touching. Before Jack could initiate anything, Mary Poppins leaned forward and kissed him. Smiling, the two kisses passionately, forgetting about everything around them. Both feeling like they were in heaven, as if nothing could ruin that perfect moment. After letting go, Jack continued to place small playful kisses on her face. Going from her forehead, to her nose and back to her lips.

"Better go back to those Banks kids" he grinned "it is Halloween today after all"

"Ah yes, how could I forget" she held his hand and walked forward "come along then"

Back at home, the Banks were indeed busying themselves. Wanting to dress up, Georgie was wearing a pirate outfit, John was a dragon and Annabel was a fairy. Entering the house, the two adults laughed in amusement as they watched the children play around in their costumes.

"Well you all look magnificent" Mary Poppins smiled

"Thank you!" Georgie grinned "but it would be much cooler if I actually was a pirate"

"Hm" Mary Poppins thought "let's do something about that then shall we?"

"Oh?" Jack smirked, wondering what she was thinking

Clapping her hands, a map appeared in Georgie's hands. John was able to breath fire, a small amount. Then finally, Annabel was able to fly.

"Woah!" John laughed, his hands on fire "this is amazing!"

"I'm actually a fairy!" Annabel looked down at the ground in shock

Georgie looked at the map, an obvious disappointment on his face.

"Georgie dear, what's wrong?" Mary Poppins asked

"All I got is a map... what do I do with it?"

"Well Georgie" Jack piped in "a pirate has to look for treasure, right?" He winked

"Treasure...?" Georgie blinked

"Maybe there's treasure where the X is!" Annabel exclaimed

Opening up the map, the children could see that it was the town and there was a big X in the middle.

"Is there actually treasure?" John asked

"You'll never know if you don't go and find out" Mary Poppins grinned

Looking at each other excitedly, they hurriedly put on their shoes.

"Be back for dinner" Mary Poppins called out after them

"Yes, Mary Poppins!" They replied back before zooming out the door

"What is the treasure?" Jack asked

"I'm not sure..." Mary Poppins thought "I can't remember if I put actual jewels in there or just sweets" she laughed

"I'd be delighted with either of them" Jack laughed along with her

The afternoon rolled on, the sun was beginning to set. Preparing dinner, they waited for the children to come back. Just as they were wondering where they were, the children came running in through the door.

"Wipe your shoes." Mary Poppins said, without turning around

Quickly rubbing their shoes on the mat, they ran over to Jack who was sitting on the sofa.

"Look!" Georgie exclaimed "sweets!"

"Look at that" Jack laughed "don't eat them all at once, you'll get a toothache"

Nodding, they put their sweets away before helping Mary Poppins with dinner. At the table, they happily explained everything they did. Talking about their journey and how difficult it was to find.

"Some kids in the village are trick-or-treating" Annabel said

"Do you want to?" Mary Poppins asked

"No, not this year but we do have a lot of sweets, maybe we can hand them out"

"Lovely idea" Mary Poppins nodded

Dinner was over and for the rest of the night, the Banks stood at the door giving out sweets to little kids who came knocking. Finally exhausted, they exited away for bed leaving Jack and Mary Poppins in the living room. Sitting side by side, Mary Poppins leaned on him. Peering down to look at her, he gently kissed her forehead. That gentle kiss however became a more passionate kiss and the two stayed in a romantic embrace.

Jack stayed over that night, sleeping peacefully beside Mary Poppins. He was going the next morning and so every moment counted. Waking up, Jack smiled as he saw Mary Poppins sleeping peacefully beside him.

Soon, the house was up and Jack was preparing to leave. Saying their goodbyes, the Banks waved as Mary Poppins walked him to the train station. On the platform, they waited for the train to arrive. Finally hearing it in the distance, Jack held Mary Poppins one more time.

"It's time isn't it" he sighed sadly

"Unfortunately" she smiled

"I love you" He whispered into her ears

"I love you too, silly Jack"

Giving her one more kiss, the train pulled up to the station and they had to separate. Watching him enter the train, she laughed when she saw his head pop out a window.

"See you, Mary Poppins!"

With that, the train started to move and Mary Poppins was left alone on the platform. Turning round, she made her way back home. Silently yearning for the day she'll see him again.

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