2. Memories

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As if travelling through time, Mary Poppins found herself back on Cherry Tree Lane. The cherry trees were blossoming beautifully and the roads were covered in pink petals. That day was her last day, she could sense it since the morning. Mary Poppins remembered how much she didn't want to leave, something about being there was so welcoming and loving.

That morning was very hectic, the entire household were wild and energetic. Michael was excited to announce that he had bought a new painting set and that he decided to paint once again. Erupting in cheers, the children clapped excitedly while Jane patted him on the back.

"Well done, Michael! We can finally see your artwork once again!"

"It's not great but I'll definitely need all your help" he smiled as his children gave him a big hug

In the corner, Mary Poppins gave a little sad smile. The family were indeed closer together and didn't need her anymore, sad as it was she was satisfied with her work and knew she needed to go. Letting the family have their moment, she walked outside to get some fresh air. Taking in the breeze, she could hear the sounds of footsteps getting closer. Turning to look, she was greeted by a cheery Jack who gave a playful bow to her.

"Morning, Mary Poppins! How're ya today?"

"Feeling well and yourself?"

"Same old same old!" He grinned

"Here to see Jane I'm presuming?"

"Uh..." he scratched his head "actually no..."

"Oh then what brings you here?"

"I was actually here to see you" his smile beaming from ear to ear

"Why's that?"

"No reason" he continued to scratch his head in embarrassment "you busy?"

"Not at all"

"Up for a walk?" He asked

Turning to look inside the house, she could tell the family didn't need her in there for the moment. Closing the door, she turned back to Jack with her umbrella magically now in hand.

"Let's go then"

Walking together, the world seemed so much at peace. The two didn't say anything but there wasn't an awkward presence. Comfortable it was to just walk together silently, without saying a word. Just as if the silence was filling up the empty spaces.

"You going soon?" Jack asked, breaking through the silence

"Quite possibly I'm afraid"

"That's both a good thing and a bad thing isn't it?"

"Indeed so... it's quite nice to see the family back together happily"

"But it's a bad thing that you must leave..." he said "is there not a way for you to stay?"

"If only a family needs me here, if not, I'm on my way somewhere else." Mary Poppins replied, noticing Jack's saddened expression "do you not want me to go?"

"Uh..." he looked up quickly, quite embarrassed "no... no I don't...."

"Why so?"

"Well, people always see you as Mary Poppins the nanny. Nobody ever sees Mary Poppins the human being and I'm one of those people who wants to see that" he paused "I mean, you're perfect, you do everything brilliantly and you always know just what to do... but I know that even you have cried sometimes, struggled sometimes and probably even didn't know what to do sometimes."


"I probably sound ridiculous right now but I just wish there was something I could teach you"

"Teach me?" She looked at him confused

"I don't know what that is, or what that might be but I'd like to teach you something. Whether it's something silly like skipping rocks or something else, I just want to be able to show you something you've never seen or experienced before."

His voice was so full of sincerity that Mary Poppins couldn't help but smile and nod. She had never told anyone about her life but there was something comforting about the fact that Jack was willing to teach her something. Times like these, she realised that she felt empty and looking at his silly smiles that gave her peace.

Looking back at that memory, she realised that who knew when she would see him again. It felt strange, but she wished that she could have stayed there longer. She wished that there was some random opportunity to see him again because for the first time, she didn't know what she was feeling. It wasn't your everyday happy and sad feeling but it felt like her heart was being crushed on the inside. As if somebody was squeezing it tight.

Her daydreams came to a stop when she looked at the clock. Time had flown by and it was nearly dinner time. Snapping her fingers, kitchen utensils began to float around and prepare a meal themselves while she walked upstairs to waken the three sleeping Banks. Tapping each one on the head softly, they all stretched and slowly opened their eyes.

"Dinners ready" she called out as she walked out of the room

Jerking awake, they quickly dashed down the stairs as they saw a big meal laid out on the table before them.

"Wow..." Georgie muttered as he wiped away some drool "I'm starving..."

"You know the drill" Mary Poppins said as the utensils stopped flying around

Making their way to the sink, they washed their hands and sat at the table.

"I haven't had this much food in such a long time!" John exclaimed as he stuffed some mash in his mouth

"The rations were always so few" Annabel pointed out

"Mhm!" Georgie nodded with his mouth full

"Manners. You'd think I taught you better"

"Sorry..." they echoed

Continuing to eat, Annabel stared at the food.

"I wish I could give this to father and Aunt Jane" she said quietly

"How are they?" Mary Poppins asked

"Doing okay, I guess. Aunt Jane volunteered to help injured soldiers and father is just doing his best to survive" said John

"Father let Ellen go back to her own home for a while too..." Georgie mumbled "I miss father..."

"Don't we all, Georgie" Annabel patted his head

"I want to see them again" John said, looking up at the ceiling "Father, Aunt Jane, Ellen, Jack..."

"Jack?" Mary Poppins perked up as she heard his name

"Because of the blackouts and stuff, lamplighters weren't needed as much and so lots of them lost their jobs... even Jack" Annabel said "Father actually asked him to take us here but he had to help an injured friend"

"But he did promise to check on us!" Georgie exclaimed excitedly

"Right!" John grinned "maybe he'll send us a message or something..."

"Do you think we could send him a letter?" Annabel asked "he'd be surprised to hear we were staying with Mary Poppins!"

"Can we?" Georgie turned to Mary Poppins who was sipping her tea

"I don't see why not"

"Hooray!" They cheered

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