10. Heart

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Not wanting to bother the family reunion, Mary Poppins and Jack let the Banks have some time together. Thus, having a date of their own. The Banks went outside to the village to see the views while the couple stayed at home. Taking this opportunity, Jack decided to explore the house a little. Compared to the exterior, the inside was magnificently bigger. Almost as if it was never ending.

"It still feels unreal to be in here" Jack said, pacing around the room "I feel like I've walked into your bag"

"Now you know what my bag is like" Mary Poppins grinned

"How does it even do that?"

"Imagination, dear"

"Ah, what a marvellous concept" he sighed "too bad, it disappears after a few years"

"Only if you stop practicing it" she looked him in the eye "imagination can come at whatever age, in whatever situation. It's where your creativity is set loose and your mind begins to create the seemingly impossible."

"Rightly so" he pulled her towards him by her waist and smiled

"A lot of colourful imagination is definitely going to be needed nowadays in this dark world" her voice echoing quietly

"I suppose we need a leerie to come and brighten it up... even just a little bit of light..." he replied softly, kissing her forehead

Looking into Mary Poppins eyes, he noticed for the first time, how tired she looked. Her eyes no longer twinkled, it seemed like a dark black hole and there just didn't seem as if there was life. Strange it was, not a wrinkle or imperfection on her face at all. She looked as if she was still in her twenties, but he knew that she experienced life more than anybody else. What she had gone through, he didn't know, but his heart yearned to know everything about her. Her past experiences, her childhood and even her goals for the future. He wasn't there for her past but he knew he wanted to be there for her entire future.

That's when, he realised his goal. His lesson. He wanted to teach her life and how to live normally. Bring back the light that was once inside her and restore it to its natural glory.

"I've got it" He grinned

"Got what?"

"I'm gonna find a way to bring you back life"

"Life?" Mary Poppins looked up to him in confusion, was she not alive?

"Don't look at me like that" he laughed "you've experienced life longer than I have but you've experienced life way differently. Not everybody can fly with their umbrella, you know."

"Oh how ridiculous" she rolled her eyes "I look forward to it, Sir. Jack."

"Ah. How flattering" he grabbed her into a tight embrace

Now more determined than ever, he wasn't sure of what exactly he was trying to do but he knew that he wanted to bring back the former life into her again. The goal of bringing light back into her life. Difficult as it sounded, he knew there was something wrong and he wanted to help her somehow. Letting the wind take him wherever, he just let himself see where it was heading.

Walking upstairs, he was amazed by the amount of space that was in that seemingly tiny house. Upon entering the children's room, he noticed the big window that was in the centre. Getting closer to it, he looked outside and was amused when he suddenly saw fishes swimming around. Turning to Mary Poppins, she gave him an unknowing grin as she stood with her arms folded. Pretending as if she had nothing to do with it.

"What a wonderful view" he laughed

"Thank you, but do beware, the sharks enjoy peering in" Mary Poppins laughed back

As she said those words, a small shark began to circulate the window.

"Oh my" Jack exclaimed, astonished "I haven't seen a shark before"

"There's a first for everything"

"I wonder who's teaching who" he joked as Mary Poppins shooed the shark away

Turning away, Jack immediately glanced back and noticed that they were now in the air flying in the clouds.

"Well tickle my tail" he gasped "amazing... have the children noticed this?"

"Oh, I'm sure they have but I'm not one to notice" she looked around the room "although, now I'm noticing the mess in this room... goodness gracious"

"That's kids for ya" he grinned "never know how to tidy up after themselves"

"I suppose they could clean up once they come back, now come on Jack, you're not going to be staring at the window all day are you?"

"Guess not" he said as he held out his hand "shall we go on then, m'lady"

"Ugh" she rolled her eyes teasingly before laughing "we shall"

Hand in hand, the two made their way back downstairs where they sat at the comfort of the sofa. In the silence, all that could be heard was their gentle breathes and the ticking of the clock. Slowly dozing off, Mary Poppins struggled to keep her eyes open. Noticing this, Jack took her head and carefully placed it on his shoulder. With slow blinks, she was soon out, leaving Jack trying to sit still.

Tilting his head so he could see her, he smiled. How peaceful she looked. Just this one moment, she was vulnerable to her surroundings. Unable to do anything, he was satisfied in sitting absolutely still. Locked in his heart and memory, was this wonderful lady next to him. He wouldn't trade anything in the world for her but would trade anything in the world to be with her.

His heart suddenly began to hurt as he remembered he only had a few days left there. Once again, they would be separated without knowing when they would see each other. He knew that she had to do her job in keeping the Banks' safe during the war but it hurt him to know they would separate. Kissing the top of her head he decided to keep this moment within him.

Mary Poppins felt his kiss and smile escaped her lips. When was the last time she felt this loved? How could such a cheerful lamplighter become the light in her never ending tunnel of darkness. Holding his hand tight, she never wanted to let go. In the end, the two sat side by side, holding that one small moment close to their hearts.

Hey guys! It's chapter 10 oh my goodness~ writing this chapter, it's currently like May 1 (hehe) but it might be a couple days (or even weeks) until it's been released

If you have any feedback, I would love to hear it! (I've already planned out how long this book will be so...)

I'll probably do one of these update things every 10 chapters...!? If I get that far haha

Side note: Turns out I'm eligible to enter the watty's! Wow! I don't think I'm going to join it but it's nice to see haha

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