Chapter 31. The Worst Punishment

Start from the beginning

- Wh-what happened next? - I whispered, suddenly feeling as if I was steadily growing smaller and smaller. There was so much under his skin that when I thought I knew all about my roommate, it turned out that, in fact, I didn't know a half of it.

The redhead sighed and then suddenly his eyes found mine. I flinched at the glare he sent me, but smirked and relaxed when I realised something. It wasn't directed against me, but against something that was plaguing his mind. And if Romeo had a strengh to glare at me like that... It was definitely a step in the right direction!

- Then he came. - Narrowed eyes and poison in his voice told me everything that the guy was thinking of that sadistic doctor. - Walked in, silent like always, then began talking to me about how stupid I was to even consider for a moment I could kill myself and that-that I had no right to do so because I was too insignificant to complain about anything...

I saw how Romeo clenched his fists, a silent growl escaping his throat. My eyes widened, and so did my sick, wrong smirk. I shouldn't have been happy seing my roommate in such anger. I shouldn't have been happy about his hatred towards anything.

But I knew, I knew now that it was truly him. Romeo - my Romeo! The person I used to be friends with. It was him, he was back now! Back to me, back from that horrible prison of his mind and the rules he still believed he had to obey.

He gritted his teeth, glaring at the grass with such hatred that I was surprised it didn't burst into flames.
- It wasn't my fault. - He spoke clearly. - I couldn't do it. I couldn't avoid eye contact anymore, it was so horrible, I... I had to!
And, just like that, Romeo's stared at me, mix of pain, anger and fury evident in his eyes. I looked back at him, not able to fully comprehend how one person can feel so many different things. And how his voice was able to hold that much need for being understood was also beyond me.

I only nodded, suddenly noticing how the rays of sunlight got tangled between his scarlet hair, making it shine brightly. Magical glow seemed to come from it, and in that glow Romeo's face looked... Almost alive. It would've been really beautiful if it wasn't for those little flaws, like a barely noticable scar across one of his eyebrows - had it always been there? - or bags under his eyes or that painful, heart-breaking gaze. I felt my throat tighten as I finally managed to see my roommate, to actually see him. Not that broken ragdoll, not a memory of that traitor - Romeo as he was now, hurt and wounded but trying so hard to help me.

And then I swiftly shook my head. Wow. That was something unexpected. Why in Earth had I suddenly felt that... What's the word? Sentimental.

The guy, however didn't seem to notice, which I was glad for. The last thing I needed was explaining something even I didn't really understand to him. Instead, I just sat tight and waited for him to finish.

- Well, it wasn't that horrible, really. - Romeo went on with a tiny shrug. - I-uh-I was told to lie back down and then he gave me the usual cons-... Punishment for looking up. Nothing serious, though, it only lasted a few moments.

I felt my eyes narrow. What?! Romeo had just looked up for a moment, and he was punished for that?! This-okay, this wasn't even the case down in Sunshine Institute, even there it wasn't that hard!

- He electrocuted you, right? - I asked timidly, although it felt like I knew the answer already. He just nodded, looking away, and I saw the way his muscles tensed up under his T-shirt. That's the part I was the most curious about. The consequence-damn no! I would not start talking like John Doe all of a sudden! He tortured my former friend, tortured and punished him for even the slightest mistake, there was nothing good and right about it!

Romeo sighed deeply, running his hands through his hair once, before speaking again:
- Then he said I would have to face the consequence of my suicide attempt. And... Well, I just knew back then that I would hate it with my whole soul. I had no idea what it would be like, of course, but I knew it would be something truly horrible. It was.

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