Chapter 2

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Dear Victoria,

I’m happy you decided to write me. I’m not going to lie to you, I had no idea that I had a daughter until I got the letter in the mail. I am happy that you told me about you, really. 

I’m very busy, and can’t come see you just yet. I’m sorry, but when I do see you i’ll give you a birthday present thats going to be amazing, I pinky-promise you.



Brooke smiled as she read the letter to the six year old. Victoria was practically jumping with excitement of the letter that had came in the mail from her daddy. He had also sent an additional letter to the doctor with some more of his information and how to get at him of course, and how things happened.

Niall said that when he was about 16, auditioning for the X Factor, he met Kyla Pierce, Victoria’s mom. He fell in love with her and then he had to leave because he made it onto the X Factor. When he left, Kyla was pregnant and didn’t know until he started live shows. By then it was to hard to get in contact, so she was going to wait until he came back for the last week. She went into labor too soon though, having Victoria two months early, and passed while giving birth to her. Niall never found out or saw her again after that.

 Brooke still was confused as to why he hadn’t came here to personally deliver it to her, or why it was so short when even Victoria’s was longer. But on the front of the envelope, there was a return address. Brooke sprung an idea in her head that if he didn’t come to her, she would go to him. 

“Do you really think he’ll come Brookie?! Really?!” she screamed while jumping. Brooke didn’t even get a chance to reply back before Victoria started to jump even more, but singing now a song that almost made Brooke’s heart stop. 

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed!

But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell

you don’t know, oh oh, you don’t know your beautiful!” Victoria sang happily.

“Where did you learn that?” Brooke asked. 

“My new friend Kaylee was playing it! Yeah, i got a room mate! Her name is Kaylee, and her big sisters name is Sami! They like One Direction and they played it for me! The blonde one is funny, his name is Niall! I like him, he’s my favorite!” she squealed. “Kaylee thinks Louis’ funnier then Niall though, but I don’t think so. Sami thinks that Liam is cute! Have you seen them?” she asked in a rush. Brooke’s heart dropped now. So she knew who they were.

“No, I haven’t. You and Kaylee will have to show me later. But first you have to eat your breakfast.” Brooke said. 

“I don’t want to eat breakfast now! I wanna do something else! Can I draw?! Oh wait, can I write a letter back to daddy?! Maybe with a picture of me! We have those, right?!” Victoria said once again in a rush. Brooke laughed and eventually agreed, getting paper and a pen and a camera to take a picture of Victoria. She looked adorable today. Victoria was wearing her pinky plaid pajama bottoms with a white long sleeved shirt. She covered herself for the most part in her monkey blanket that Brooke had given her. Her hair was neat around her face for a change, and you almost couldn’t see any of the IV tubes that were attached to her. “Can I do this one myself?” she asked. 

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