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I woke up with alot of covers around me and someone mumbling in there sleep and a door creaking open. I opened my eyes and saw Ash was hovering in the door way and Allison was asleep on the floor. I shivered, even if I had alot of covers I still was cold. " Ash?" I whisper and he looks around the room. and then looks at me. " Jess??" He whispers but it voice cracks I smiled and shook my head. " Oh thank god your up. " He says and I pat the spot on the bed next to me, and he crossed the room attempting to not trip over Allison. He layed down next to me and pulled me into a hug. " That's never going to happen again. Jess I thought that you were never going to wake up. You've slept for almost a whole day." He rushed out and cried into my shoulder. " Please don't leave me ever." I nod my head and whisper a " I will try Ash I promise I will try." He held me close and then I poked his side and he yelped causing Allison to bolt up right and look over at me. " Ash no having sex with Jess in my bed. Jess your to young my friend no." I smile and laugh, Ash did to, though both of us had a matching shade of red on our faces. " HA if I hadn't woken up you two so would have fucked. I kid I kid. You two know I love you." she says and I laugh and so dose Ash. " Love you!" I say and she laughs " Of corse you do you, I mean who wouldn't Im freaking fabulous." She laughed and shook her head but Ash found it halarious and did his funny snort laugh. I smiled and snuggled upto Ash, he throws his arm around my shoulder but then lets his hand on my waste and started to tickle me. Allison jumped on the bed and strated tickling my feet and then I started to scream. " STHAP!!" I scream and they just keep tickling me. Once they both finally gave up I caught my breath and nudged Ash in the side. " What the hell you two?!" I scream and they laugh at me. " Yeah love you to... ass holes." I say and they both gasp and put there hands over there hearts and shakes there heads. " I'm hurt." They say at the same time and we all break out laughing.

Authors note: Hey just putting this out there the show red band society is great! Love you all. Stay strong and keep fighting those inner deamons and the ass holes in life. Hold the things that make you happy close

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