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" Come on Jess, gotta get up and get you home." Ash says and I just cuddle into his side and barry my head in his chest. " I dont want to though." I whine and he sighs. " Trust me I don't want you to go but you have to. I don't want you to have a repeat of last time you went home late Jess. " I sigh at the memmory.

Flashback: It was 5 minuets past my curfew and Ash had just dropped me off at my place. I walked in the door and I instiantly heard my mother screaming. " You worthless piece of shit! IF YOU WANT TO GO SLUT AROUND WITH BOYS ATLEAST BE HOME ON TIME!" I backed into the door as my mom rushed up to me and kicked my gut. I weezed and my mom hit my back with her elbow, I fell to the floor and wasn't able to move. My mom had all of her whight on my leg and I was screaming in pain. " Please stop mom! please!" I screamed and she finally stepped off my leg but picked me up and threw me into the basement. " You can come out when I think you deserve it!" She yelled as she slamed and locked the basement door. It was dark and to my misfourtion I am terrifyed of the dark. I got my ipod out of my pocket and texted Ash Jessica: Help mom locked me in basement, in pain. I felt myself starting to slip into darkness. I ended up at Ash's house for a month while my mom had to goto rehab for drinking cause Ash told his mom that my mom was drunk and threw me in the basement. :Flashback ends

"Yeah, lets get going Ash." I say and he gets up off the couch and slowly helped me up. My foot still throbed but it was tolerable. I leaned on him while I got my vans on. " Thanks for everything Ash." I say quietly and he smiles. " Anything for you Bunny." He says with a smile and we head to my house. The walk there was quiet but it was a comfterable silence. Once we arrived at my door Ash kissed my head and said. " Be careful please." Without another word he started to walk back to his place.

I walk in and all I could see was a sea of beer bottles, and they were everywhere. My sister skipped down the stairs and up to me, she gave one of those your so screwed smiles and went to the basement. I walked up the stairs slowly and once I was in the living room I was pinned up against the wall. My mothers hand against my throat. " Where the hell did you go at school?!" She screamed and I winced at her tone. " I got sick and I stayed at a friends place." I choked out and she kneed my side. " Worthless little shit. I pay for you to goto school and you ditch. I bet you fucked someone instead, you wern't even sick." She spat and she lets go of my throat and pushed me to my room/ my sisters room. " I don't want to see your ugly face." She said and walked away. I went to the back yard and went into the small forest we have. Once I found where my old tree house was I climbed up the latter and crawled into the door. The inside was pretty big and there was a bean bag, a few heavy blankets, a side table and a few books. I painted the walls black and they had white lyrics on them. Lyrics from all my favourite bands. I went over to the table and saw there was a stack of photos. I hadn't put any photos in here... who did? I went threw them and they were all of Ash and I when we were happy little kids. Us playing tag, swimming for the first time, playing hockey , me flipping him off. I smiled and on the back of the last photo of us there was a note.

Dear: Bunny

You know I love you like my sister. We grew up together and YOU made me the happiest guy in the world just by being my friend. I know things are bad now but they will get better. Please trust me. I don't know where I'd be without you. Love your one and only Ash

I smiled and put the photo's down , I know he cares. I care more about him then I care about myself. I so love him like my brother. Yeah I have had a crush on him but I would never ruin our friendship.

Authors note: Hey! I know I don't do this very much but I just wanted to say that if anything is ever wrong goto someone. Don't keep everything inside, find what makes you happy and stick with it. If its a friend, a sport, something with the arts do it. Everyone has flaws and imperfection but no one is perfect. ( Other than really hot band members that are like omf. Off topic sorry) But please if you ever need to just vent or have a shoulder to cry on I am here. Its not a bad life its just a bad day.

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