7 (triggering)

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The rain got worse and I could barely see while running. I made the turn to my house and quickly ran up the steps and to the door. I could hear no noise what so ever. I opened the door and made my way to my room. No one was home, I must have missed my sisters skating. Great my mom is going to hit me. I grab my Ipod and Type to my friend Allison.

Jessica: I'm sorry I wasted time in your life. I'm sorry I'm a fuck up and I could never be the best friend I ever could be. The world is better off without me. I'm sorry but you won't miss me. I know you won't. I love you and I'm sorry.

I went to the kitchen and opened the medicen cabnet. I looked at my options wich wasn't that much, advil, ibeprophan, ADHD meds and my moms anti depressent. I took my ADHD meds and opened them grabbing a glass of water I looked at it and then my Ipod went off.


I shake my head and text back.

Jessica: No don't let me die. I take up to much space.

Water wasn't gonna do the trick, so I headed over to the cabnet my mum kept the rum in and opened it. Pulling out a bottle of Captin Morgans I walk back over to my pills and take 3. They were large pills and, in all honesty they were really hard to swallow. I swolled 2 and was going to take the third one but the door burst open and Ash ran into the kitchen and staired at me shocked. " No...... Bunny.... no" He said taking slow steps towards me. I cried and he took the bottle and Allison came in and took my pills. " No.... please... let me die. Please. Ash hugged me and swayed back and forth. " No. Please stay." He sniffeled and I noticed he was crying, Allison had a tear streaked face. I wanted to die, they stopped me. I don't want to live, I wanna die, I deserve to die. " Please stay." Allison says and I feel my legs give out and Ash and I fall to the ground. " I'mm sorrryyy" I studder and start to cough. Ash sits up and pulls me up, but starts to rub my back. " How many did you take?" Allison asked and I looked at the ground " Onnlyy two." I studder and then go back into a coughing fit. " Inhailer" I choke out and Allison runs to my room, Ash keeps rubbing my back. " Please be okay." He says and he looks at me with a sad face. " FOUND IT!" Allison yelled and came into the kitchen with my inhailer. She passed it to me and I took it quick but soon passed out with Ash holding me while I cried.

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