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Allison eventually had passed out and Ash carried her to his mums car. Ash looked heart broken and scared, Ash,s mom turned to me. " would you like to go with us to drop them off?" I nodded and got in. My parents already left and said to call them when I wanted to go home. Ash got in and buckled up Allison and then himself. Once we all were in the car Everything went silent. Ash had held onto Allison and I held into her hand. I felt so horrible, I didn't know what to do. once we got there Allison's mum got out of her car and brought in suit cases while Ash got out of the car quietly as he could. making sure to not wake her. He carried her inside and both of the mom's were signing papers. I have ash a side hug and then 2 doctors came out, one carefully took Allison from Ash even though he was very reluctant to let her go. Once he did he was escorted to his room. I was left with both mothers, and Anthony. we walked to the cars and I got in with Anthony and and we both broke down.
* time laps 1 month*
Ash and Allison were being released today and I was going with Ash's mum and brothers. the whole car ride there was quiet. once we were the everyone basically jumped out of the car and ran for the doors. I saw Ash holding Allison once we were inside and then he turned and saw me. " Jess!!" he yelled and Allison looked up and ran over to me. We hugged for a while and Ash hugged me to. " Are you two okay?" I ask and they shook there heads no and said " We will explain later." I nodded and we walked out once the papers were signed.

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