I don't understand

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Anthoney and Ash played on the same team and it was entertaining to watch. Anthoneys mum and I had a good time cheering the boys on. But Ash being Ash picked a fight with a kid ( though the kid deserved it for hitting Anthoney) And landed himself hurt with a sprained Ancel. Anthoney's mum drove us all home and my new mum and dad were at the door waiting.

"What took you so long to get home?!" Mr. Todd yelled and I tried to back myself into the cornner. He came closer and started to yell louder. " You should be more conciderate of the time and less of your friends! You have a curfew!" He yelled and raised his hand. Toby all of a sudden came out of no where. " DAD STOP! YOUR SCARING HER! LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yelled and Mrs. Todd gave me a sympathetic look and said. " Just go to your room darling, we will talk in the morning." I went up the stairs and to my room. I flopped down on my bed and just gave into sleep that I really needed.

I woke to Toby opening my door and looking at me sadly. " Morning Jess. Mum wants to talk to you." With that he simply walked out. I shut the door and changed into tights and a Vans t-shirt. They will get rid of me, I fucked up like I always do, I'm not good enough for them. My thoughts ran wild and I know that if I get yelled at I would break and they barley even know my. My fucking god i'm such a drama queen. I head for the door tears already in my eye's and I know that today is going to be hell.

My walk down the stairs was quiet and when I turned into the living room there sat Mrs.Todd looking at a magazine. " Morning Jessica, please sit." I sat on the chair infront of her and paciently waited to start getting yelled at. " Look darling, Mr. Todd has a bit of a temper and he didn't mean to scare you. He was scared that your other parents took you and hurt you again. We may have only known you for a while but we really do love you as if you were are very own. " She looked up at me and smiled. " I'm sorry I just was watching Ash and Anthoney's hockey game and lost track of time. I should have texted you but I fotgot. I am really sorry Mrs. Todd." She shook her head. " It's quit fine darling, and you don't have to be so formal. " I smiled and nodded my head. "Now, what would you like to eat?" I smiled, things were going to be alot nicer now.

Ash's P.O.V.

I woke up to my foot throbbing and my mom yelling for me to get my lazy ass out of bed. Wich only caused me to groan. My older brother bargged in with a nerf gun and started to shoot at me. " DAMN IT LINK STOP!" I grabbed my nerf gun and shot him on the head. He dramaticly fell to the floor and I laughed. " Nice to see your up." Link says and then army crawls out of my room. I swear I have the weirdest brother ever. I get out of bed and get dressed, shit theres fuckin school. I limp down the stairs and my mom hands me a pop tart. " Morning sleeping beauty." I roll my eyes and go into the kitchen and make  a sandwich. I throw it in my bag and grab my homework and throw on my runners. " Bye mom, love you!" I yell from the stairs and all I hear back is " BYE LOVE YOU SWEETY HAVE A GOOD DAY!' And " DON'T FUCK TO MANY BITCHES TODAY!" I laugh and head over to Jessica's place.

Toby answered the door and yelled " JESS YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" and skipped away. " He's not my boyfriend Toby! I hear and Jess then comes down the stairs and grabs her MCR bag off the floor and says " BYE LOVE YOU!" Mrs. Todd shows up by the stairs and says " Bye love you to, see you tonight." Toby then screamed " USE A CONDOM!" Jess rolled her eye's and we both made are way to the gates of hell.

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