I just pretended to be okay but I really wasn't * Allsions P.O.V.*

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I woke up in a diffrent place and my heart rate sped up, I swear my heart was in my throat. " ALLISON!" I heard someone scream and then I was being tackled. I screamed and started shaking. " Oh my god, I'm so sorry Allison, it's me Anthoney. My mum amd I  brought you back here once we left the orphangae. My mum had to give you 19 stitches on your lip. Your pretty bruised too. Ash and Jess were here but they both had to goto school." Anthoney said and I just looked down. " They.... they don't really care." I whispered and Anthoney looked puzzled. " If they didn't care why would they have tryed to stay here with you?" I looked down. " I'm the third wheel. They care now because something dramatic happend. But in time they will leave, like everyone else has. You will too and your mum will grow to hate me. I'm not worth it, the girls at the orphanage should have just killed me. It would have saved me the trouble of having to breath and waste everyone elses air." If he wasn't suprised before he sure as hell was suprised now. " Allison, they care, I care and my mum care. I promise I'm not gonna leave you. Your family, and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." I just twiddle my thubs and look around the room, I was on a black leather couch and Anthoney was infront of me. I tried to look anywhere but at him. " You don't understand, all I do is fuck everything up and I'm gonna end up doing that here and making everyones lives a living hell.  I'm a worthless piece of shit and there's no use trying to fix me because I'm far past repair. I waste everyones time and you should just let me die." I whisper the last part and he just hugs me tight. " But, even though I've only known you for a few hours I still can't lose you. Your my sister and its my job to protect you from everythingthat can hurt you and sometimes that means saving you from yourself. You mean the world to alot of people. I understand that you feel alone but your not, I will be here every step of the way." I just silently sob into his shirt and let myself have a mental break down. " It will be ok, I promise." He says and then the door opens and his mum comes in. " Are you okay sweety?" She asks and I shake my head no. " I'm sorry, I just... I can't even put into words how I'm feeling." " Thats ok, you don't always have to know." Anthoney says and let's me go. " Now lets go watch Nightmare Before Christmas." He says and picks me up and brings me into the living room. He carefully set me down on the couch and put the disk in.

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