We were joking and laughing the whole way to the dinning hall we hadn't notice we had entered the room still laughing. We were the last ones as usual and everyone was looking at us. Well according to Ty and Hunter they were looking at me. I cleared my throat as we made our way to our seats. I of course was seated right next to the King with his Beta Kyle on the other side of him and his Gamma next to him.

This was the first time I got a good look at the King. He was young probably a few years older than me, his eyes weren't just blue but almost a grey blue. His black hair looked like silk and he had a strong jaw and dimple on his left side. His nose looked perfect except for a small bump indicating it had been broken a few times since we are werewolves and heal rather easily. He was a very handsome man and his suit did nothing to hide his strong arms and body. His pecks stretching his dress shirt the perfect amount while his jacket clung to each curve of every arm muscle. I could also see a hint of a six maybe even eight pack through his shirt and my wolf purred in satisfaction.

My eyes looked at his face which had a nice five o'clock shadow that suited him. I watched as his eyes scanned my body as well and all of a sudden when his eyes met mine for the first time in a long time I felt naked underneath his eyes. He looked like he was trying to dig into my soul and see my darkest secret. Ty and Hunter are the only two who know my deepest secret as they woke me up from on of the worst nightmares when I was reliving it. I quickly shook that thought from my head as I arched an eyebrow at him.

His gaze lightened as his lips tilted up into a smile before he leaned next to my ear. His hot breath tickling my ear as a shiver ran down my spine, "that dress was my favorite out of them all but seeing it on you makes it my favorite dress of all time." His husky voice whispered causing a light blush to grace my cheeks.

"Thank you, your majesty for the dresses and I must say you look very handsome in your suit as well." I whispered back and I watched his eyes quickly flash from the blue-gray to a silver.

He cleared his throat as he fixed his tie and I smirked at the effect I just had on him. "I just want to thank you all for being here to help with this problem and tomorrow we will strategize a way to take out the Ferals once and for all. Tonight please eat, drink and enjoy my home." His authoritative voice rang out causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

"Why is his voice affecting us the way it is?" I asked belle as she just purred.

"I don't know but I like his wolf, he's very handsome and kind and much better than our ex mates. Can he be our new mate please?" She asked throwing me off guard I nearly chocked on my wine causing Ty, Hunter, Aero and his Beta to look at me strange.

"Sorry wrong pipe." I said as I tried to cover up my blush. "What is wrong with you Belle? You never lust after men and besides he is the King Of Werewolves and we are the Queen Of Rogues it would never work. Besides he probably doesn't even see us that way." I told her and she whined lightly.

"Come on Rebel he does his wolf even told me so, besides who cares about titles you deserve a happily ever after. I believe he could give you that unlike.." she began saying before I cut her off.

"Don't you ever mention his name ever Belle! I can never have a happily ever after we know this. I'm done talking about it." I yelled before I cut the connection. Ty could sense my unease and placed his hand on my leg as I sent him the conversation Belle and I just had.

"Rebel it's ok to open yourself up to the possibility of a mate. Don't let one bad apple ruin the whole batch, besides from the way Belle was talking she has really bonded with his wolf. Something she has never done before. Let's just see how the rest of the weekend goes and go from there ok?" Ty asked me and I sighed before I nodded my head in agreement.

Dinner went well and Aero and I were actually making good conversation. He was actually quite laid back once you got through his King exterior and currently we were listening to Kyle tell us his most embarrassing story. "So once Aero has shifted into his wolf I took his clothes and ran into the house. When he got back from his run he couldn't find his clothes anywhere. Once he gave up searching he decided to just shift and walk back in naked. Well when he walked back in stark naked everyone jumped out yelling 'surprise' as his parents had setup a surprise party for him. So not only did the whole pack see him naked but he had a crush on a girl from school who I invited. So here is little 16 year old Aero butt naked in front of his pack and crush. The goddess hadn't blessed him with his muscular physique yet so he turned the deepest shade of red as he covered his junk and ran out of the room." Kyle was busting out laughing as were all of us except Aero whose ears had a cute tint of rosy red to them.

"Aww I can only imagine as everyone watched his little butt run out of the room how shocked they were." I laughed and I watched Aeros lips quirk into a smile.

"He did get his revenge as he managed to dye all of my white T-shirt's pink and trust me when I say I had a lot of white T-shirt's." Kyle laughed this time Aero joining in.

"Well what about you Rebel I bet Ty and Hunter have some embarrassing stories about you." Aero said with a devious smirk as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Oh we do I think probably the most embarrassing one was when I pulled the fire alarm while she was in the shower. This little 19 year old Rebel came booking it out of her room down the hall, all still with soap in her hair. She slid into the kitchen where I pulled the fire alarm about busting her ass. She somehow grabbed a fire extinguisher on her way and just began spraying it. Once she realized there was no fire she turned towards Hunter and I and began spraying us with the fire extinguisher. That led to us throwing any food we could grab near us and we wound up having an all out food fight. Mind you she's still butt naked as all this is going on. Her dad hears the racket when he comes home and walks into the kitchen right as Rebel threw a piece of pie at me. I happened to duck and it hit her dad square in the face." My face was blushing at the story and we all began laughing again.

"So her father was so pissed at the mess we made in the kitchen he had us running laps around the territory still covered in fire extinguisher and food while Rebel was naked until dark then he made us clean the kitchen before we were allowed to shower and Rebel could put clothes on." We were dying at this point. Now that we are older the nudity isn't a big deal for us werewolves but when we were younger it would be so embarrassing.

"Wow you always were a spitfire weren't you?" Aero asked and I felt my heart seize up.

"No unfortunately I wasn't, but after everything I went through I became who I am now." I told him honestly while his eyes held nothing but admiration and pride.

"Well I'm sorry for everything you went through. You are the strongest woman I have ever met and I am honored to have gotten to know you." I listened as his voice never wavered and held nothing but truth and honesty.

"Me too Aero it's been a pleasure to get to know the man behind the crown." I said with a smile and he held out his hand for me. I looked up at him confused before I heard the music start playing.

"Dance with me Rebel?" His voice soft yet firm and husky something that had chills running down my back.

I placed my hand in his as I let him pull me to the dance floor.

That's Miss Rogue Queen to youWhere stories live. Discover now