"It's King Aero, now that that is covered shall we continue?" He asked me as he cocked his head the slightest his deep black styled hair tilting slightly with his head. I smiled back at him which caused him to raise an eyebrow as I nodded my head. "Very well, as you all know I called you here to discuss the feral problem that has arisen within the past year. Over the past year it went from about 100 Ferals to more than 300 hundred. They have been attacking packs coast to coast and have wiped out three of the smaller packs so far. All we know is that they don't seem to have a specific pattern and have stayed away from the top three packs. We need a solution to this problem and we need one soon before this gets any more out of control than it already is."

"Let's kill them all then!" Shouted one of the Alphas and the rest nodded in agreement causing me to snicker and the King to roll his eyes.

"What is so funny Queen Rebel?" His voice asked semi amused.

"I'm sorry but that comment was just stupid. No shit Sherlock we have to kill them but until we know where their base is and who is controlling them it is pointless to chase them around like lost puppies. These Ferals are being produced at an alarming rate what usually takes years seems to be taking weeks for these werewolves to become feral and until we know why and how they will just keep coming. We need to capture a few and try and bring them back from their feral stage so we can communicate with them." I said and I saw one Alpha get mad at my comment I'm guessing he was the one who made the original dumb comment. The King however looked rather surprised at what I had to say.

"Now that's a good plan but how do you expect to bring one back from its feral stage? And how do you suggest we find their base?" He asked me as he ran a hand through his thick hair messing up his styling slightly. I licked my lips at the action before I snapped myself out of it and smirked.

"It's simple really all we have to do is capture one of the Ferals and inject them with just enough silver to render their wolf immobile. They will shift back into their human form and be able to communicate with us. And as for the base if we can't get that information from the feral we send out a few of our best trackers and have them track the group of Ferals who will hopefully lead us to their base or leader." I told them as I threw my boots up on the table in front of me and lounged back.

The king sat there and thought over my plan but before he could reply a voice I had hoped to never hear again interrupted him. "Why the hell are we listening to her. One she's a female with no mate or king to help her rule, two she is just a weak omega who somehow managed to become a Queen and three how do we know she isn't working with them since she seems to know so much about them!" His voice partially a growl shouted as my eyes landed on the one person I had hoped to never see again. Sitting next to him was his beta Logan and on the other side baring his mark was Taylor the pack slut. Two growl erupted from either side of me while I kept a face of indifference.

The King watched in awe as I kept my cool and placed a hand on Ty and Hunters shoulders silencing their growls as I stood up and stared into Jake's eyes. My wolf and I no longer feeling the pull of the bond as it had been long gone since he rejected us. "Well there Alpha Jake let me simplify it for your tiny little pea brain. I don't need a King or Mate to rule beside me as I have trained my pack to become the second strongest in the world, two you know I don't have a mate because your pathetic self rejected me, three I was never an omega but the lost daughter of the King Of Rogues who was kidnapped and dumped on your packs steps where you and your pack abused me for years. And lastly I know so much about them because they are the bastards that took my father from me and I want to destroy them so I studied them and watched their movements for the past year! And is Miss Rogue Queen to you!" I growled out and I watched as everyone gasped in shock at the power that was radiating off of me and I'm sure my eyes were glowing electric blue as my wolf was coming forward. I watched as my old pack members eyes widened in fear as they realized the grave mistake they made with me.

The King looked just as shocked but soon narrowed his eyes in on Jake before looking back on me. "That's a pretty big accusation of accusing a whole pack and Alpha for abusing you. That is something that is against our laws and if it is found to be true you have a right to challenge him for his pack by choosing who ever you wish to take over their pack. Do you have any proof of this abuse?" He asked me and I felt everyone in the room start to scrutinize me. I could tell no one believed me but I saw the fear flash in my old packs eyes as Hunter and Ty stiffened. They knew the scars I held and had seen them enough to know what was done to me was not a deserved punishment.

I slipped my jacket off and Ty held it as I threw my shirt on the desk in front of me. I watched as many of the males eyes held lust as the got a look of my full chest but when I turned around and unhooked my bra moving my long blonde hair everyone gasped. There plain as the day he did it was Property of Jake Wells carved into my back along with hundreds of whip, claw and knife marks. "Here's your proof." I spat as the King stepped down and came towards me I didn't move as I felt his fingers brush the scars that I loathed as they reminded me of my weakest point.

If it wasn't for my werewolf hearing I probably would've missed it when King Aero whispered so quietly, "why would they do this to such a strong beautiful wolf?" He asked himself not realizing I had heard him.

Once he moved his hand I pulled my shirt and jacket back on as I stared into his eyes. I was surprised I didn't find pity only admiration which had me confused but I brushed it off as he spoke. "Jake Wells, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack what do you have to say for this?" His voice commending and had me shivering at his authority not in a scared way more of a turned on way.

"I-I, she deserved it as well as my rejection! She is nothing but a weak useless omega King of Rogue daughter or not!" He growled as Taylor stood up and I could see her little baby bump as she locked eyes with the King.

"Mate!" She yelled and I watched as the King's jaw tightened as he took in the pregnant she-wolf who had helped abuse me.

That's Miss Rogue Queen to youWhere stories live. Discover now