Can't Get Enough Of You (19)

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Chapter 19 (HOLY SHIT!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!) 

   "H-he's i-in t-the h-hospital!" she broke down in the end. My phone fell out of my grasp and my eyes widened. H-he's in the hospital? What happened? 

"Penny? Penny, what's wrong?!" Jesse asked, snapping me out of my shock. I tried to talk but it was like I couldn't talk. 

"R-ross is in the h-hospital," I whispered, a tear escaping my eyes. I tried to make them stop but they kept flowing. I felt arms around me and I could tell that Jesse and Evan were hugging me. My body shook as I sobbed into their white shirts. 

"Shh. It's okay-" Evan started to say but I cut him off. 


"A-actually I have," Evan whispered. My eyes softened and I frowned.

"I'm sorry, Evan. I- I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I-I forgot that it happened to you before. I'm sorry Evan," I said, slowly looking up at my twin brother.

He put an arm around my shoulder and hugged me and kissed my forehead. "It's okay. I know it hurts. Shh. Just calm down." 

I sniffed and pulled away from the hug. "Thanks Evan," I said as I wiped away a tear. "Do you think mom and dad would let me go and visit Ross in the hospital?" 

"Maybe not. But they're not the ones with the keys to the car. We're not too far. Go visit him," Cassidee said as she tossed me the keys to my silver Chevy Camaro. I caught the keys and looked up at her. 


"No buts. They're only good for fcking and pooping out of. Now go visit your boyfriend. I'll tell mom and dad, they'll understand. We'll be there later," Jesse said. We all laughed and gave them a big hug. 

"I love you guys so much! What can I do without you?" I gave them all a kiss on the cheek and waved them goodbye. I ran to my car and started it up. I rolled down a window and waved them goodbye. I inhaled deeply and drove off to the hospital that Rydel told me where he was currently in. 

 Once I got there the paparazzi was surrounding the front of the building, trying to report the scene to their viewers or put it on magazines. I parked and like by instict, one I slammed my door shut, all the  paparazzi's heads turned to look at me and they rushed over to me. They all spoke at once as they took pictures of me. 

"Excuse me Penny, do you know who is inside the hospital?" I heard one say. 

"Is it true that Ross Lynch is in there? If so, is it true that you two are dating?" I heard another one say. 

"I'm sorry. No comments. Excuse me. No comments. I'm sorry," I said as I pushed through the crowd. The security guards walked towards me and had the paparazzi back off. 

"I'm sorry for that Miss. Angels. Rydel has requested us to walk you to Ross' room," one of the security guard said. I nodded and we walked to his room. I saw Mr and Mrs. Lynch sitting in the waiting room. When they saw me approaching them, they stood up and Mrs. Lynch ran over to me to give me a big hug. 

Mrs. Lynch pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded and gulped.

"Is Ross okay?" I asked. 

"He's fine. You can go see him if you want," she said. I nodded and made my way to Ross' room. I stopped in front of the door and took in a deep breath before opening the door. Rydel was sitting on a plastic chair inside the room and was holding Ross' hand. He was asleep and unconscious on the hospital. 

"You came?" Rydel whispered as she saw me. I nodded and walked towards him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"W-we were surfing and there was a big wave and I told him not to surf it. But he was being stubborn and did it anyway. And he wiped out. We weren't suppose to surf today anyway. H-he was in a bad mood and you're not suppose to be in a bad mood when you surf. We shouldn't have let him," Rydel explained. 

I sat in the other chair and held Ross' other hand. "No it's not your fault. I shouldn't have left. And I j-just can't believe that this happened." Rydel nodded and sniffed. I sighed and laid down on Ross' chest. 

  After about 5 hours, Cassidee, Evan, and Jesse finally showed up. It was currently past midnight and they looked exhausted. "Hey. Sorry we're late. Mom and dad didn't come back until a few minutes ago. And we had to check into the hotel so that took some time. Sorry. So how is he?" Evan said.

"He's fine. Just unconscious. The doctor said he might wake up in about a few days," I said. Cassidee's first instinct was to give me a hug and then Rydel. We sat in the dark room in silence until the nurse told us to leave the room. 

We all stayed in the waiting room. Jesse sat on Evan's lap, Cassidee was asleep on Rocky's shoulder, Rydel was sprawled all over her brothers and I just rested my head on Jesse's lap. 

I slept for like 4 hours until I would wake up, screaming from a nightmare. Evan and Jesse would calm me down and I would eventually fall asleep again, only to repeat the cycle. I felt so guilty of waking up Evan and Jesse every 4 hours. 

Once it was morning, Ratliff woke up and stretched, but hit Rydel in the face. "Ow!" she yelled. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "You guys want some breakfast?" 

We all said yeah and we all stood up and stretched out. We walked out to the private garden for the patients and their families and sat down beside a willow tree. We all waited for our parents to come over and bring us our breakfast so we chilled here for a while. I felt someone nudge me with their elbow and it was Evan. "Penny, Look at those girls. They've been looking over at us and whispering all day. Do you think they're fans?" Evan said. 

I looked over to the group of girls and I waved at them. They shyly waved back and they giggled. They walked over to us and smiled. "Hi." A tall brunette said. I smiled.

"Hi there," I said. 

"Um is it okay if we chilled with you guys?" A girl with blonde hair said with a country twang. 

I laughed. "Of course you can. So what's up?" I asked noncholant. 

"Nothing much. Just wanted to check out the flowers here. Why are you guys here? Isn't Penelope suppose to be on tour?" A red headed girl said. 

"Um yeah. We're suppose to be on tour but um Ross got hurt and Penny rushed over here," Evan answered. I nodded and they all made a sad face. 

"Aww that's so sad. Is he okay? We love him so much! We hope he's okay," the blonde one said. The rest of the girls nodded and sighed. 

"Well what are you girls doing here? If it's okay if we asked,' Jesse said.

"Oh um. My mother's giving birth to my little sister soon so while we waited we thought we could stay here in the garden," the brunette said. I nodded. I saw a tall man who looked very handsome, run to them and whispered something in the red head's ear. 

"Well it looks like she's going into labor now. So we better go. Nice meeting you! BYE!" the brunette said. They all waved goodbye and then ran off. 

We all laughed a bit before heading back inside, ourselves. 

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