Can't Get Enough Of You (4)

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  • Dedicated to my wonderful, amazing, and awesome fans! Thanks for supporting <3

                       Okay so this is just a quick author's message. I got so many great reactions from so many of the people who read this. i am so happy! i swear i did a mini celebration in my room at 1 o'clock in the morning when I read each and every one of your comments. I just love them. Even though there isn't a lot of votes and comments, i am still really happy. Every time i get a good reaction from my fans/readers, I get so happy and feel like my life is getting better and better. And when I read your comments saying 'I love this story. it's amazing', on what I think a crappy chapter, well I feel amazing! You guys are awesome! I just started this story when I got an idea and it formed and I was really bored and thought it wouldn't get a good review, but when I saw that some of you actually voted or commented or actually read it, I got so happy and I was  celebrating and squealing and jumping in my bedroom while everyone in my house thought I was going crazy. LOL XD Okay, i'm rambling again. Sorry! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3


 Pic is of Evan! <3

                                        ~*Penelope's Point of View*~

         There's a stranger in my bed. There's a pounding in my head. Glitter all over the room. Pink flamingos in the pool. I smell like a mini bar. DJ's past out in the yard. Barbie's on the barbecue. Is this a hickey or a bruise?

Katy Perry's voice echoed through my room. I looked over at my alarm that was ringing. 

 "Eleven A.M! Ugh!" I pressed snooze on the alarm and got up. I did my normal morning routines and slowly walked down the long stair case. The smell of pancakes filled my nose and I hugged Jesse for making breakfast.

"Well, good morning. I made everyone pancakes and I have your cappuccino." He handed me a plate of pancakes and some butter and syrup. Then my cappuccino.

"Thanks Jesse. I'll find a way to thank you. And you know me too well." We both smiled and I sipped my coffee. Then we heard someone groaning while they walked down the stairs. It was Evan and he looked like the opposite of me. He sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His hair was a mess and he had morning breath. I had my brown hair down and it was a bit wavy and I had minty fresh breath.

"Wow. Even when he's a mess you both still look the same," Jesse said as Evan gave him a quick kiss on the lips. We smiled and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Okay eat up! We have to leave for a small concert on the beach today." 

 I finished my pancakes and took the coffee to go. After Evan ate his breakfast we both ran to the bathroom and splashed water on each other. We dried off and changed and then ran to out. "Here's your coffee Evan. And Cassidee did you get your coffee?" She nodded. "Um, hey Jess where did Ross go?"

"He left this morning with his brothers and sister." My lips formed a 'O' and we hopped into Jesse's car. We drove for like 20 minutes until we reached the beautiful beach. We walked on to the boardwalk and then to the beach.

We all stopped walking when we reached a small stage where they were setting up the instruments. We ran back-stage, where we met a few celebrities who would play either before or after us. 

                  ~Ross' Point Of View <3~

   "Ross, wake up. We have to go," Rydel whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at her and then at the sleeping Penelope. The memories of us kissing last night filled my head and I shivered. I moved slowly of the bed, trying not to wake Penelope up. I walked out and closed the door. We all walked out and ran to our house. Riker made my favorite, Pancakes and after breakfast we got ready.

Can't Get Enough of You (A Ross Lynch love story)Where stories live. Discover now