Can't Get Enough Of You (12)

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Chapter 12

  A lot has happened in the past 2 weeks. Well we're currently back home and not in the beach house anymore. Cassidee is going to become a professional model just like our mother but she will still be in our band. Jesse and Evan are  currently in London with Jesse's mother and will be coming home in a few days or even in a week. Mom and dad are back home. And R5 (The lynch family band) has let me sing with them during their concerts sometimes and the fans love it. 

 And Ross and I have been spending A LOT of time together since him and Brenda broke up. Wherever I would go he would be there. I think he was making excuses to see me. But it's cute so I let it slide. I was surprised today not to see him at my photo shoot. Once i Had a break, I sat in my chair and relaxed for a bit. Cassie was currently in the spot light, posing for pictures. Cassidee is a model so she's usually taking pictures all the time. As I admired Cassidee's different costumes and poses, my phone started ringing. I fished it out of my pocket. Ross' name appeared on the screen and i immediately pressed the answer button. 

   "Hey Ross," I said.

   "Hey Penny. What's up?" 

    "Nothing much. Just watching Cassie at a photo shoot. Where are you?" 

   "Look behind you." I turned around and Ross was there with his phone close to his ear and his tongue sticking out at me. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him once I ended the call. I ran over to hug him and he hugged back. 

 "So why is your cute butt here?" I asked. Ugh did I just say that? Oh God. He blushed and laughed.

 "Um well I have a concert in 6 hours. And I wanted to know if you can come," he said. I smiled and said, "Of course I can come." I hugged him once more and then he sat in my seat and I sat on his lap as Cassidee did her last shots.

  "Okay so Cassidee is going to her dressing room to get changed and then we'll get going," I said. He nodded and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. Cassidee came into sight and she smiled and waved.

  "Oh hey guys. Aww both of you are so cute! Okay let's go," she said. I hopped off of Ross and then walked toward the car. I sat in the passenger seat while Ross sat in the front with my sister. I reached across and turned on the radio. Everybody Talks by Neon Trees came on and we started dancing to it. Ross kept flipping his hair around while i sang the lyrics and literally started partying in the back. Yeah flip it Ross!! It's so cute when he does that. 

  Once we reached the place where the concert was going to take place, we parked and hopped out of the car. I did a kart-wheel to stretch and then followed Ross as he entered the tour bus. The rest of R5 was inside and they all smiled when they saw Cassie and I. "There they are! Oh and Penelope's even wearing some R5 products," Rocky said. I glanced down at what I was wearing and smiled at the guitar pick necklace Ross gave me a few years ago. It was shaped like a guitar pick and had R5 written on it in pink and black. I kept it with me wherever I went. Even when I was away from Ross for 3 years, I still kept the necklace, it was the last thing reminding me of Ross. But now I have the real Ross with me. 

  I sat on Ross' lap when he sat down and Rydel started filming a new episode of R5 TV. "Wave to the camera!" she said. I waved and blew kisses. "Here she is everyone. The famous Penelope Angels and her beautiful sister, Cassidee!" she said. Both Cassidee and I blushed and started laughing. 


   Once the concert was done, we all gathered in a small white tent. They all sat in a chair and started signing autographs. I heard some people whispering my name and they would sometimes glance back at me. Then two girls came over to me and Cassidee. "Oh my gosh you're Penelope Angels and Cassidee Sky! Can I have your autograph?" one girl said. I smiled and happily took the pen and pad. My middle name was Angel and Cassidee's middle name was Skylar but we both added or shorted the name and used it as our last name. It's like a stage name kind of thing but most people just go with our first names. 

 "Sure what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Olivia and this is Joanna," Olivia said. I smiled and wrote down a small note and then my signature. The small note said, "Dear Olivia and Joanna life is short. So remember these 3 things. Live, Love, Laugh. ~Penelope Angels . They squealed and then asked me if I could take a picture with them. I accepted and posed for the camera with Cassidee, Olivia and Joanna. They had already gotten autographs with the rest of R5 so they stayed to talk to me. Ross came over to us and they instantly gasped. I hugged him and he put his arm around my waist. 

  "Oh my gosh. Are you and Ross dating?" Joanna asked, shocked. Ross and I looked at each other and then began laughing. 

"Um no. We're just friends. So both of us are single," I answered.

"Well you two would make a cute couple. Oh I gotta go! Bye!" They waved goodbye and left. Not a lot of people were left. Some fans talked to the other members of R5 and then soon left. Do Ross and I make a cute couple? Maybe. But he doesn't like me back. Right?

 "Hey Penelope. Um, you know how those girls asked if we were a couple?" He asked nervously. I nodded. "Well you said both of us were single."

 "And?" I asked with one of my eyebrows raised.

"I thought you were dating someone? Uh what was his name? Uh...the one at the party," he said.

"Oh Ben."

"Yeah Ben. I thought you were dating him. You two were all touchy and he kissed you and held your hand. So are you guys dating or did you break up?" he asked.

"Oh um yeah we dated once. He was my first boyfriend in fifth grade and he was really sweet but we broke up in sixth grade. But we're still really good friends and we still act like we're a couple. It confuses people sometimes. Sorry if it confused you," I explained. Ross' lips formed an 'O' shape and then started talking to Riker.  Oh thank God Ross didn't ask me why we broke up. Ben broke up with me because I spent a lot more time with Ross and he said something about both Ross and I looking at each other like we were in love. So we broke up. Was he right? Did Ross really look at me like, I looked at him? 

   The car ride home was silent. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The only thing you could hear was the songs that they were playing on the radio but that's pretty much it. Once we arrived at the house, I un-locked the door and we went inside. Ross' phone started to buzz as I left to go to the kitchen to get a small snack. 

  Mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey mom. Watch'a making?" I asked.

 "Pasta," she asnwered simply. I licked my lips and laughed. I walked to the cupboard and took out some chips. "Penny don't eat to much of that. You need to watch your figure," she said. I rolled my eyes and sat down on one of the stools and started to munch on the chips.

 "Mom I run half a mile every morning and then I go to gymnastics for 2 hours. What can chips do?" I asked. She laughed and ran her hand through her long blond hair. Okay remember to eat only fruits tomorrow. I can't get fat again. 

  I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts. Once I was done with my chips, I threw it in the garbage then gulped down a whole bottle of water. Then walked back to the living room, where Ross was located. He was staring at his phone and was biting his lip. 

  I sat next to him and tried to look at his phone. "Are you okay?" I said, my voice soft and comforting. He turned his head to look at me and looked deep into my eyes.

 "Brenda called me." I gulped and inhaled deeply. "And she said she was sorry. And she said she wanted us to get back together," he said. My bottom lips trembled and I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. 

 "So what are you going to do?" I whispered.

 "I'm going to take her back." My heart just shattered into a million pieces when he said that. 

"R-Ross I don't think you should take her back." 

"Why? I know that you two hate each other but can you just be happy that she's going to be my girlfriend? She said she changed." 

"No. Ross, that's what she always says! She hasn't changed. She's only using you!" I said, raising my voice. 

"BUT WHAT IF SHE REALLY DID CHANGE? SHE'S A GREAT GIRL AND I LOVE HER. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME?!" I yelled. No, no no. This isn't suppose to happen! I felt the tears ready to fall but I didn't dare let them fall. 


Can't Get Enough of You (A Ross Lynch love story)Where stories live. Discover now