Can't Get Enough Of You (5)

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      Chapter 5

                                ~Ross' Point Of View~

            It has been 2 weeks since Penelope sang that song at the concert. Two weeks since we kissed that one night. And two weeks since I decided to avoid her. Two weeks of pure torure. I missed everything about her. Her laugh, her smile, her jokes, her angelic voice. Everything. I miss everything! 

   Avoiding her was really hard. Her room was right across from me. Sometimes when she would be in her room, I would hide. I would sometimes see her looking around my room to see if I was there. I couldn't stay home. No, she could spot me there at anytime. So I stayed at the studio for the longest possible time. I would practice my lines at Disney until they would kick me out so I could go home.When I couldn't go there I would take all nighters at the recording studio to avoid her. 

  It was Saturday and I had a day off. This was going to be hard. I step out of my room after I checked that the coast is clear and walk down the stairs. "Bye Rydel! I'm going to the park!" 

"Okay! Have fun! Call me if you need anything!" she yells back. I unlock the front door and walk for about 30 minutes until I reach a small park, filled with trees and a play ground. There are many kids playing at the playground and some people are just hanging out, talking on the park benches. 

  I hear a familiar giggle and walk closer to the sound. I know that sound! It's Penelope's giggle! I spot her and some other guy I don't know, talking. He's tall and has short brown hair. They're standing and laughing. Penelope says something and the guy puts one hand in Penelope's and his other on her waist and pulls her close. Penelope laughs but doesn't struggle. She puts one hand in his hand and one on his shoulder. They start to do the waltz. Penelope has a smile on her face. The guys spins her and dips her. They stay in that position, just staring into each other's eyes, breathing heavily. 

  I ran away from them before my heart could break anymore than it has. I can't believe this. Of course, she would have someone like that with her. He's probably her boyfriend. Of course he is! And here I am thinking that she might like me. What was I thinking?

   "Um, are you okay? It looks like you're thinking about something really intensively," someone says, snapping me out of my angry thoughts. I look up at a very beautiful blond girl. She's wearing a light blue sundress.

 "Um, yeah. I'm okay. Just thinking," I say. She smiles and giggles. She then sits next to me and holds out a hand.

"I'm Brenda," she says. I shake her hand. "I'm Ross," I say.

She gasps and her jaw drops. "Ross? As in Ross Lynch? The awesome guitarist from R5! And my favorite one out of all of the boys." 

 I blush. Then nod and laugh. "Yeah. That's me. Um, it's getting late. I better go." I stand up and she follows.

 "Oh um, can I get your number? But you don't have to give it to me if you don't want to."

 I think about it for a moment and then make up my mind. "No it's fine. Here." We exchange numbers and go our separate ways. It starts to get dark so I run to my house. 

  I unlock the door and stumble inside, breathless and tired. "Um, hey baby brother. You okay there?" 

  I look up at Rydel looking up at me. I nod and get up. I follow her to the kitchen, where I find Penelope sitting. 

 "Oh. Hi Ross. Didn't know you were going to be here," she says. Then awkwardly drinks the drink in her hand. 

"I live here. Of course I would be here," I snap at her. She looks down at the ground and gulps. The front door opens revealing mom.

 "We're home! Oh hello Penelope! How are you? We haven't seen you in so long!" Mom says. Penelope smiles and waves.

 "Hello Mrs. Lynch. I'm fine," she says politely. I suddenly get really confused. I've never seen Penelope like this. All shy and vulnerable. 

 "Oh that's great! Would you like to join us for dinner dear?" mom asks.

 Penelope looks at mom, then at Rydel and me. "Um no thank you. I have dinner at my house and then I have to go to rehearsals. I just stopped by to ask Rydel, Riker, Ratliff, and Ross if they wanted to come to a small sleep over at my house tomorrow night," she says biting her lip.

 "Um, we're free. Of course we could come," Rydel says, smiling.

 "Can I bring a friend?She's a girl." I ask. Penelope looks at me and bites her lip. She closes her eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath. 

 "Yeah sure. Uh, I gotta go. Bye." She walks away and Rydel follows.

 "Okay. I'll go walk you out." Rydel waves goodbye and goes out to the front yard with Penelope. Mom leaves the room and I'm alone in the kitchen. I quickly run to the small window, looking out to the front yard and spy on Penelope and Rydel.

    ~Penelope's Point Of View~

 Once we're out of the Lynch's house I break down and start to cry. I sit on the grass of the front yard. Rydel wraps her arms around me and lets me cry into her chest. He's bringing a friend over. A girl for god's sake! It's like he's bringing a date! I can never have Ross to be mine.

  "W-what a-am I s-suppost t-to d-do?" I stutter. 

  Rydel pats my back and makes sh-ing noises to make me calm down. "Shh. Penelope it's okay. Everything will be fine."

 "Fine? He hates me! And he's bringing a god damn date, just to break my heart more!" I sob.

"Shh. He doesn't hate you. Shh. It's okay, Penny. Calm down."

    After a few minutes my breathing comes back to normal and I wipe away my tears. "Well, at least now you can make a song out of this heartbreak," Rydel jokes. I smile and laugh. I give her a big hug and go back home. 

  Why are boys so blind and have to break our hearts? </3


    -shakes head- Why? Why do boys have to be so blind and not see how we feel? I love this chapter. I know it's short but it's awesome. Yeah? No? Comment below!! I know it's a cliche best friend love story but eh, what can you do? And I like it. <33

   Eh, you know that deal by now. Vote/Comment!! <33 I Love All Of You! <33 =D

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