Chapter 3 - The Village

Start from the beginning

"We are a small resistance, one of many that exist in every world. Fortunately, our job has been to prepare for your arrival. Now that you're here, half of our job is complete. We have been providing our community with sanctuary, as Jonathan takes over Aramoor. With you here, we hope that will change."


"Your a guardian my dear. I have faith that you will save us all, you must believe in yourself for it to happen. Being the guardian of Pandora's Box means you not only have to protect the box from those trying to claim it for themselves, but it means protecting those who are innocent from the box itself. With your power, you can do anything"

Stephanie couldn't believe what she was hearing. That was three people now that had told her she was some magical guardian in charge of protecting a box that could do god knows what. This was ridiculous. Where were they all getting this information from?

"Look I really don't mean to be rude but it has been a long day. I don't know who you think I am, but I can assure you I am no guardian. You said I have powers? I've never had powers of any kind in my life."

"My dear, you used you must have used your powers in order for Jonathan to have found you. He would've tracked you that way. The same way we tracked you at his hideout. Are you telling me nothing strange has happened to you recently? You haven't moved things with your mind? Seen the future? Manipulated the weather? Healed yourself or someone else?"

Stephanie didn't need to long to contemplate her answer for that question. It was an obvious no, if she had any of those abilities she would've used them to escape Creel without having to lodge her heel in a man's chest.

"Lady I just about managed to get luck on my side by wishing the rain would stop before I was captured. I'd call that a hair lifesaver, I don't think that makes me clairvoyant or a healer."

Valerie's eyes lit up with glee. "That's it then, your power is to manipulate the weather. It takes time to learn how to use your gifts, stopping the rain was your doing, not luck."

Could that have been true?

Valerie leant forward and squeezed Stephanie's hands tightly. "I know this is hard for you to accept, especially for a girl as young as you are. But this is real, sooner or later you have to come to terms with the fact that you are destined for greatness. Get angry about it, cry about it. But don't fight it. Or it'll consume you and everyone you know. I believe that you have what it takes to do this, I beg you to believe in yourself. Your our last hope."

It was all too much to handle. This nightmare had gone on for far too long that Stephanie was slowly realising there must be some truth behind it all. She was here, in Aramoor, she couldn't deny that. If this was meant to be her duty for the rest of her life, boy was she severely unprepared.

"So what am I going to do?" Stephanie couldn't keep the helplessness out of her voice. This was happening. She was stuck in this village. And outside of it were people ready to hunt her down and kill her. Even if she did get home, how long would it be before they came after her? They found her once they would do it again.

"You must find the remaining three guardians. Individually you have power, but together you are stronger. Find them, make them see who they are before it's too late. Once your all together, then and only then will you stand a chance. But remember, you must protect the box."

A small tear escaped Stephanie's eye, she didn't want to look at Enzo in case he thought she was weak. She'd already had a hard time being the victim of Jonathan and his goons. She wasn't going to let another man look at her in that way, not today. But the question still remained, what was she going to do? She was supposed to be the guardian of Pandora's box but she didn't even have the stupid box in her possession.

"The box? Where do I find it?"

Valerie giggled to herself. She stood up and made her way over to the cabinet. "You don't have to find the box. It has already found you."

Pulling one of the drawers out of the cabinet, Valerie held in her hand a square shaped object. It was black with tribal markings carved into its body. All of the symbols were elegantly intertwined with one another creating beautiful shapes that were unique to each individual's naked eye. It was a sleek object, when Valerie placed it into Stephanie's hands she felt that it was weightless. How could an inanimate object hold so much power?

"The important thing to remember is that the box connects with whoever controls it. Inherently, the box is neither good nor evil. But surrounded by the presence of light, it works in your favour. Should it get into the wrong hands, it works for evil."

Stephanie stared at the box, in awe of it. Something drew her to the box unlike anything she had ever felt. It was mesmerising her every second that she held onto it. Fascinated by the box, she was unaware of one of the guards entering the room with a gun in his hand. He walked over to Enzo and whispered a few words in his ear. Stephanie didn't understand what he'd said but it turned out she didn't need to. This was a warning. The Creels were here.

Valerie turned to Enzo, examining his body language as she watched him pull out a pistol similar to the one in the guard's hand.

"Have they found us?" Stephanie questioned.

Enzo didn't even blink. "They're in the village. We're completely surrounded."

"But what do we do...?"

A few seconds later gunfire could be heard, followed by screams of frightened men, women and children. Looking through the tent's thin material, Stephanie noticed explosions spreading like wildfire throughout the village. All she could think about was the little boy and his mother who had surrounded her earlier, what must they be going through? All because of her.

"What do we do? Their going to kill us aren't they?"

Enzo stood firmly at the entrance of the tent with his gun cocked. He was ready to fight until the death if necessary.

Valerie turned her attention to Stephanie, pulling her into a close embrace. "Stephanie you must be strong. Use the power of the box for good, use it to find the others. When the four of you are together, you'll know what to do. I wish we could end this another way, but I'm glad I could meet you. Enzo will go with you, he will help you find the others."

Enzo overhearing this, spun around to interject. "What? Valerie I can't leave you, this village needs me. If I go, they'll kill you."

Valerie smiled at the young man who she looked at as a son. "You didn't ask for any of this I know. But you have a destiny too, you're journey isn't over just yet. If you want to help this village, then go with her, you know much more about this world then she does. Take care of her and the others, I love you."

Enzo kissed Valerie on the cheek, leaving her to stand by Stephanie's side. He wouldn't let Valerie down. The noise in the distance was becoming louder with each step it took. The trio had to shout in order to be heard.

Holding the box with both hands, Stephanie was petrified to embark upon a journey that would change her life forever. "How do I use it?! I can't do this!"

Enzo placed his hands on her wrists, encouraging her. "Think of where you want to go! Make it happen! Take us there!"

Stephanie closed her eyes, using every ounce of concentration she had on communicating with the box. A few moments later she felt the box opening up to her, listening to what she wanted.

Take me to the second guardian.

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