Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues

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  "Talina you told us that Keane was struggling really badly and he spoke of killing himself. Not that he actually tried," Dad said sadly,

"Congratulations Arii. Everyone now knows the secret we were all trying to put behind us," I clapped,

  "Keane what the hell happened with you?" Dad snapped,

"Call it a bloody suicide attempt of you want. But all I fucking did was drink too much on my medication to try and stop the voices from tearing me down. To try and stop the feeling of darkness of doom, to try and finally sleep without having nightmares," I snapped, "It wasn't an attempt to take my life. It was an attempt to stop all that,"

  "Why didn't you tell us how you were feeling?" Mum said,

"Tell you. Why would I do that when you didn't tell us about Arlo. When you didn't tell us Galviao, Logan. Was your lover and fathered your child. Why would I tell you when the two of you bloody started these serious of events from not telling us sooner that you were spies,"

   "Because this is your life we're talking about," Dad retorted,

"So what. Our life wasn't a worry when you eventually told us you were spies and then up and disappeared again?"

"Your lives weren't in immediate danger then,"

  "Oh piss right off. You didn't know what was going to happen,"

"We were with you every step of the way, you just didn't know," Mum said,

  "You weren't there when we needed you though," Noah said sadly,

"You were never there," Arlo said,

  "Don't try and change the topic. Keane what you did was serious,"

"Don't you talk to me about serious. You not telling us who Logan was almost got me killed. How close did I come hey? How close were you to losing me...and for what? Your pride? Me accidentally overdosing means shit to you so don't think otherwise,"

   "No. You're wrong. We are your parents and we should know what's going on with you." Mum said,

"You lost that right a long time ago," I snapped, my hands were shaking I was trying to stay in control. Tayte took my hand. Silence occurred for a few minutes.

  "Can you answer this one question?" Arlo asked, looking directly at Mum, "Why was the real reason you just shipped me off to boarding school?"

"Arlo. I did it because...I didn't want you involved. I wanted you safe,"

  "Come on. Fuck off with this wanting you to be safe bollocks," I snapped, "Answer the question,"

"You didn't want me did you? I reminded you off my Dad and you couldn't handle that. Joey said he would have taken me as his own. I was your first born child and you abandoned me, it was my Dad who put people in place at my school for me. Making sure I was looked after. How'd you think I felt when you told me I had siblings and you had another family yet didn't want me? You fucked me up. I went downhill for years after that. Wondering what the hell I'd done to be abandoned, to have no clue who my father was to have an absent mother. You coming to see me on the odd occasion made things even worse,"

"Arlo I'm sorry. I never meant for you to feel like that. I never meant to abandon you, it's just...I don't know what to do. I didn't know how to handle the situation,"

"What situation? Being born? Being your son?"

  "No. No of course not. I loved you I have never stopped loving you,"

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