"Seriously, you better be able to shoot liquid gold out of your mouth to justify getting me out of bed," you joked as Obito pretended to be unamused.

"I'll do you one better, (y/n)! Check this out!"

A light pink flush dusted your cheeks as Obito got within inches of you, clasping the bare skin of your arms and eagerly positioned you at a certain spot on the field before letting go to walk a few feet away, his back facing you. You watched as Obito lifted both arms to form hand signs before you heard the signature sound of his Sharingan activating as he inhaled deeply.

The air was still for only a moment before a blinding orange light pierced through the darkness of the night. You initially thought that Obito was just showing off a bigger version of his Fireball Technique, but that was when you realized that these flames were different. You watched as the fire coiled into a tight spiral as it left Obito's mouth, the vortex expanding the farther it traveled away from him. Even the flame he used seemed different; it was stronger, more precise, and deadly. It was stunning. If anyone were to be caught in this whirlwind of flames, there would be no escape; it would be over for them. The atmosphere around the two of you became an alluring, radiant orange as his potent flames blended so naturally with the night.

At that moment, you couldn't help but admire the signature crest of Obito's clan that was etched into the back of his clothing. The Uchiha really are a formidable clan. You felt so incredibly lucky to have one as your best friend. You couldn't imagine having one as an enemy, but then you remembered that the literal leader of the Uchiha clan was out to personally kill you only a few months before. You quickly pushed those thoughts to the side once the ravishing flames of Obito's new jutsu began to die down.

When the raging inferno finally subsided, Obito swiftly turned 90 degrees with his side facing you as he reached to lift up his goggles with one hand, with the other landing on his hips. Obito's posture was straight, and his face was full of confidence and pride as he opened one eye to look at you, his satisfied grin never leaving his face.

You stared at him in awe as the remnants of his attack left numerous patches of fire scattered across the training field, the glowing flames in the otherwise dark area illuminating and highlighting Obito's features. That was when you really took in just how handsome Obito had become. You always considered him to be an objectively attractive person in terms of traits – as many Uchiha were, but Obito had matured dramatically. His adult physique and facial features reflected his physical and mental growth; every part of him emitted power and was rich with masculinity. Your cheeks flushed profusely until Obito walked closer to you and grasped at your arms in excitement.

"So, whatcha think? It was worth coming out here, wasn't it?" he said in a knowing and cocky but endearingly prideful tone.

"That was..."

He gleefully stared at you in anticipation for your answer

"It was..."

Amazing? Powerful? Skillful? Obito excitedly thought to himself as he hastily tried to guess what your next words were going to be to him.

"It was beautiful, Obito!"

Obito's expression fell slightly at your description of his new Jutsu. Beautiful? My attack is anything but girly! he initially mused. Though the more he thought about it, the more he started to see what you meant as he turned to watch the remaining flames crackle on the training grounds. Fire is inherently breathtaking. The way he changed his chakra form to increase the concentration and intensity of the flames really was a spectacular sight.

"...Yeah," Obito murmured as he turned back to look at you.

"It really is beautiful." He voiced softly while looking directly at you with a gentle expression as if he were speaking about more than just his flames.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now