Wake up (Phils P.O.V)

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Bold=writing on the notepad


I woke up to the smell of bleach and the sound of a heart monitor. Am I in the hospital? I try to remember exactly what happened. Keeping my eyes closed afraid of what I might see. The memories hit me like a brick wall, all of a sudden. I remember everything. That's why I'm in the hospital.

Oh! What about Dan?! Where is he? I slowly opened my eyes, the white bright lights burning my sensitive eyes. I immediately close them again, making the pain subside. I opened my eyes again the lights no longer blinding. There are curtains around the bed I'm lying on, I'm guessing I'm in a communal room with other patients. A nurse pulls open the curtains out of nowhere. I catch a glimpse of another bed but she closes it to quick.

"How are you feeling Mr. Lester? She asks in a sweet voice.

"Pretty crappy to be honest," I try to confess but the words won't come.

"Oh yes," She says while looking like she might be contemplating something.

"You have lost your voice temporarily because of traumatic events and slight damage to your vocal cords," she informs me sadly. I don't know BSL and I don't have a notepad so I can't ask her questions. I can't even ask her for a notepad either! I realize. I try to charade writing on an object and the nurse's eyes widen.

"Oh, here," she said handing me a notepad and pen from behind her clipboard I immediately write down the most important question.

Where's Dan? She tilts her head in confusion so I try writing down his description

Brown curly hair, sparkly caramel eyes, big ass, very tall. I show my notepad to her and her eyes spark with recognition.

"You mean the teenager that came with you?" She questions and I mentally rolled my eyes. Why does everyone think he's so young?

"Is he your son?" She very chipperly asks. MY eyes widen again and I immediately shake my head vigorously. I quickly scribble down

NO! He's my best friend and he's 27. The nurse looks taken aback and quietly mumbles a sorry. It's ok but where is he? as soon as I show her my question her expression turns to pity. I start to really worry. Did the burglar get him to!?! The nurse starts to walk to the curtain and I frantically shake my head and reach my hand out to her thinking that she's leaving. Instead, she pulls back the curtain to reveal Dan lying on the bed beside me. He was wearing an oxygen mask on face and an IV dripping liquids into his veins.

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to leave it at a cliffhanger.

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