Marshmallows (Phil's POV)

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A/N I've left room between paragraphs for comments and corrections. I love when people comment and I normally respond really quickly so please do and corrections are always helpful to improve my story (wow I sound like a preppy teacher or something geez) anyways I really hope you like it. 

!*!*! Trigger warning !*!*! Blood !*!*! Detailed cutting !*!*!

Word count: 1743 

I was walking down the street towards my flat. I've been walking for about 10 minutes now. The sun was setting and it was almost dark outside, the air was nice and crisp and the wind was down to a minimum. It was a perfect night to walk in.

Dan and I had forgotten the marshmallows *cough*Phil at them all*cough* for our movie marathon night. Dan was already in his pajamas but I hadn't changed yet so I was the one sent out to the store to get our candy. 

I was almost on the street our flat was located on so I stopped at the corner near an alleyway to get my keys out of my pocket. The plastic bag full of mismatched pink and white marshmallows swinging at my side. The street lamps were turning on one by one as it got darker. You could barely see the sun now it was so slow on the horizon. The clinking and the jiggling of my keys covered up the noise of soft footsteps coming from the alley.

I hadn't noticed the person dressed in all black baggy clothing with a mask over their face with a knife in their hand until they were right behind me. 

The person had a tight grip on me across my chest and the knife to my throat. My body was almost flush to theirs. I had now concluded that it was a scrawny man with short blond hair that was almost covered with the mask. He was much taller than me which was surprising. His eyes were dull and boring brown and they appeared as if they were washed out. I couldn't see any more of his face because of the mask. He was wearing ripped sweatpants and a loose black tee with a faux leather jacket that had at least 5 pockets that I could see. He slowly covered his head over my left shoulder and looked at me. It looked like he was sizing me up deciding if I was going to put up a fight. He examined my clothing obviously looking for name brands so that he could tell if I had money or not. His hot breath hit the side of my face and I tensed dropping my shopping bag in the process. 

"Do not scream or make any noises. Do not try to move or escape. And do not call anybody especially the police. Do not move or talk unless I order you to. If you try any of these things I will slit your throat."  He whispers growled into my ear. His voice was deep, scratchy, and overused.  "Got me." He said right into my ear. I was Petrafied (Haha I'm funny) I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't breathe. I slowly nodded and he moved his head back to the edge of my shoulder hovering just above it.

 "Now," the mugger said with a sneer. His breath hit the side of my face and I immediately tensed and stopped breathing again. "Reach into your pocket and get me your wallet and house keys." He laughed a bit after demanding these things from me as if this were to easy for him. 

It was now completely dark outside and the moon was to my back. We were at a corner so there was minimal light coming from the street lamps so I could only see the figures and the shadows of the things around me.

My phone was in my right pocket with my wallet and my keys were on my left. I slowly regained my senses and started to breathe again, moving my hand towards my right pocket. In a sit second decision, I pulled a Deku and tried to send Dan my location hoping he'd understand. I fumbled around my pocket pretending to try and find my wallet as I texted Dan. I don't know if it worked or not but I hope it did. My hands were vigorously shaking (HEY KIDS IN THE MOOD FOR SOME JAZZZZZ) but I slowly retrieved my wallet from my right pocket. I'd rather give him my money than the keys to Dan and I's flat. I shakily hand him my wallet form over my shoulder, he roughly pulls it out of my grasp moving the knife slightly but not cutting my skin. 

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