Chapter 40 ( Trust Issues )

Start from the beginning

"Did you tell that already to Cley? What's his opinion about it?" Roseshell said.

"Yeah, he knows about it that's why I'm not staying on the pack house yet." I said.

"Don't dive into a conclusion, Berlyn. You know that Cley love you so much. He really wanted to be with you. I saw him everyday on the pack house and he's also look miserable just like you right now. You better talk to him." Roseshell said.

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk to him later on." I said.

"Just trust him, Berlyn. That's the most important things in a relationship." Roseshell said.

"Trust? Wow, Roseshell. You sound so matured woman right now! I wonder why. By the way, is it true?" I said.

"True? What's true?" She said, confused.

"That you already find your mate?" Leslie and I asked in chorus. She became agitated all of a sudden.

"Tss. Seriously? Nope, that's not true. Who says that? I didn't even know about that." She said. I smiled.

"You can lie to everyone but not with us, Roseshell. Tell me, whose the lucky werewolf?" I asked.

She almost choked with water when I asked her that.

"Lucky werewolf? Tss, I really hope that he's really a werewolf." She said.

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me you're mate is a human? Oh my! This is exciting!" Leslie said.

"Human!? No! He's not even a human for pitty sake!" She said again.

"If he's not a human nor werewolf, what is he?" I asked.

"A devil I think." She said.

We burst out laughing.

"Devil? Seriously, Roseshell? When did you meet him? Where? Don't tell me you've already go to hell and just came back here." Leslie said.

"Whatever! But can I trust both of you about this?" She said. We both nodded.

"Of course you can trust us." I said.

"He's a vampire." She whispered but enough for me and Leslie to heard.

"What!? A vampire? Who?" Leslie and I said in unison again.

"Vladimir." She said.

Oh my gosh! That horrible creature? What the heck! I can accept if her mate was a werewolf or human, but a vampire and most specifically that cold and heartless Vladimir? 

She's kidding, right? She's not serious about it. She's just pulling a prank here.

"Stop kidding us, Roseshell. Just tell us who is it." I said in disbelief. She smiled sadly.

"See? Even you guys didn't believe me, right? I don't want to believe myself too. But that's the truth. I've just realized it during the meeting several days ago. He's really my mate and I don't want to believe it either. If I can choose my mate, I'd rather choose a werewolf too. But I can't, right? And I hate this!" She said desperately.

Now, she's really serious! Oh my! What should I do to help her then?

"Did Vladimir knows about this?" Leslie asked.

"Of course not! I'm not going to tell him. I'm not out of my mind, okay. I've already made my decision. I'm not going to accept him as my mate. I'm going to stay in the pack house with my dad than to be with him." She said.

"But what if Vladimir's find out about this?" I said.

"He's not going to find out, okay. He's a vampire. He don't know for sure about the mate bond a werewolf had. Vampires didn't have a mate, right? They don't know how to cherished woman. They are all womanizer! This secret is only between us, okay!? I can trust you guys, right?" She said.

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