(22) Eurus Jr

66 18 24

Moriarty refused to do anything. He sat extremely still, right beside his wife, counting her heartbeat. The steady pulse kept him alive too.

He regretted not paying attention to the kid, he should've thought about this happening. Everything would've been perfect if he had paid some attention to his granddaughter.

Ever since she'd slipped into a coma, he hadn't left her side. He'd scared the nurses away when they asked him to leave. He did contact anybody. His entire network was still under the illusion that he was active, but he'd not given a single message to his sniper, or any one else he considered close, for the entire month.

It has been a month, a whole month with no progress, but he didn't give up hope.

It was laughable for a man like him to rely on something as feeble as hope, but he held on to it, as he waited.

The three year old was brought back to life, but he didn't want to see her face at all. That stupid child was the reason Dea was like this.

He was too upset to say anything. Regret was the only thing on his mind, besides the worry if Dea would ever wake up. He has resolved to stay in that room, until she comes back. He seldom ate, seldom ever slept, but managed to keep himself alive, just so he could see her.


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