(6) Richard Brook

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"Richard Brook" was looking for a partner – an actor who could help him. Somebody who either loved Jim, or hated Sherlock.

He decided to put on his disguise and walk around in the streets, so that he could see his potential partners in person, before doing business with them. It was such a beautiful plan, and he certainly wouldn't take it lightly to have anyone ruin it.

Sherlock's reputation was slowly falling apart, piece by piece, just like he wanted it to. At this rate, he would tear him down, starting from the inside.

Jim exchanged his villainous, confident posture for an innocent and shy one, as he sipped on the terribly sweet coffee at Starbucks.

He had a book in front of him, as he surveyed his potential allies.

The smile on his face grew ever so slightly when he spotted your muse at the counter. He picked up the book, with his finger pressed into the page he was on, and got up from his seat, to talk to your muse.

"Hi!" He said cheerfully, giving your muse a bright smile that went up to his eyes.

Worry then flooded his face as he quickly added, "no, no, no, I'm not who you think I am, it's okay – I – I won't harm you," he said, lifting his hands up.

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