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''LOUIS''I yelled and the wolf(Ashton)freez..He stepped foward and from the corner of my eye I saw Louis running towards us and in a flash he was infront of me hugging me.I huggrd back.

''Don't ever leave me alone''He whispered and I nodded.He let go of me and I saw Niall,Danae,Zayn and Harry standing looking at me.I walked up to Niall and looked at him in the eyes.

''I'm sorry,I just got mad because I want to keep things for me and with you around it's not that easy...''I said and waited for his reaction.

''It;s okay just don't think about that anymore''He replied and hugged me

''Niall did you tell the others about that????''I asked in my mind and Niall shook his head no.And I nodded and mouthed a thank you.

''So Ash it's nice to see you but why did you attacted Nefeli????''Louis asked but Ashton was looking at something alse.I looked at the direction that Ashton was looking and I saw.......Danae.I snapped my fingers infront of him and he glared at me.

'Oh he want to play it that way....??'I thought but Niall's voice sounded in my head before I could do anything to him.

'Nefeli...he's just like this because you beat him.He is the strongest and he is a little mad.Just give him time'he said and I nodded.

''Ashton...''I said and he looked at me.''I'm sorry I hurted you.''and he just turned around.I was ready to yell at him but Liam cut me off because he was yelling

''WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!??!?!?!?!?!''He yelled.I looked at him confused

''WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????''I asked louder than him.I f you yell at me I'll yell louder.That's who I am and you'll have to deal with it.

''ALEX IS KNOCKED OUT BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!!!!''He yelled even louder''YOU ARE GOING TO SAY SORRY AS SOON AS SHE WAKES UP AND THATS IT''He added and came standing infront of me.Oh thats it NOBODY tells me what to do.

''I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING BECAUSE NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO DO AND NOT TO.SHE STARTED IT!!!!!!!!!!!''I yelled louder than ever and I felt my eyes turning red again.

''YOU'LL DO IT''He insisted.I pushed him back and he flew and crashed on a tree.Danae came towards me slowly

''Nefeli c'mon you don't want to hurt anyone''She said calmy and I calmed down a little.I don't know what I'm doing when I get mad and I have a bad temper too.I looked around and saw Zayn and Harry carring Liam  back to the house.I can't stay here....I need to go....

I saw from the corner of my eye Niall walking towards me with his hand out for me to take.

''You dodn't have to.We'll take care of it''He said....Aaaaaaaaaaand he's reading my mind again.

I took a deap breath and start walking with my head low.I wanted to cry......I wanted to scream.....I don't know what I wanted to do but I was sure for one thing.I wanted to stay alone for a few.I suddently heard footsteps aproatching and I tunshed up.I turned around and saw Danae.I sigh in relif.

''Damn girl you scared me''I said and she laughed a little.

''What are you doing here???''She asked walking towards me.

''I wanted to think......I wanted to be alone for a little''I replied and she nodded.

''I understant but Nefeli....''She said and I looked at her''You are going to be back soon this time.......right??????''She asked and I nodded.I remember the last I had a fight with my sister Alex........I said the exact same thing

''I want to think.........I want to be alone''

I was gone for almost a month.I promised to Danae never do it again cause she told me I scared her.I laugh quietly  at the though of that.I really love Danae she id my Best Friend.....

I found another tall tree and I climed it.I sat ther looking ata the san set.I slowly start to feel sleepy and the last thing I saw was something or somone taking me off the tree before my eyes closed and drifted to sleep



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