Chapter 18(Final Chapter): Now it's Over

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"How could you do this?" I heard a muffled voice. "Why are you so stubborn,thinking that you can make it on your own?" The voice start becoming clearer. "Why do you always take off and scare me to death?"
The voice whispered. The voice I knew to well,the voice of the person I love,Louis.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him.
"I'm sorry" I whispered and he looked in my eyes before hugging me tight.
"Its's okay. You are here now. That's what matters.."
I out my arms around his neck as he moved and lay on the bed next to me.
"Loui" I spoke and I looked at him "We are not going to win"
"Of coarse we will" he argued and played with my hair "Molly saw it-"
"She also saw that Liam and Alex will be together...."
"She is sure this time." He sat up and I copied his actions "We will fight and win"
"Yeah but with what cost?" I asked and he remained silent "This people that will fight with us put their lives on the line.... I can't-"
"Love,listen to me" he cut me off and I looked at him. "We gave these people a choice,they know the risk and they are willing to take it" he kissed my cheek. "They had a choice.." he repeated and I nod.
"It's time" Louis mumbled and I nod walking after him downstairs. No one was speaking, they prepared them selves for what was to come. I sighed and we all walked in the woods. I saw Danae walking along with Niall and she gave me a small smile which I returned before continuing.
We waited for a few minutes and wolves appeared from the tree line opposite us. I tensed up as more people that I recognized appeared.
Last came out John and glared at all of us with his red eyes. I took a deep breath as Liam spoke.
"We don't have to do this" He said and John just shook his head
"You will pay for what you did" he growled and just like that,all hell broke loose.

I looked around at the field,most of it red with blood, I spotted Louis and He run towards me giving me a tight hug,I sighed in relief when I saw he only had a few minor injuries. Both of us covered in blood, some our own but most of it of our enemies.

Many people have died,I looked around as I tried to see who was okay or needed help and a sob escaped me.
"It's okay..." I heard a whisper and I looked around. I spotted Ashton, Michael and Calum just a few feet away all of them sitting on the ground covered in blood and open wounds.
I slowly walked towards them and as I got closer I saw the body they were surrounding.
"It's okay" Luke repeated and a few tears fell from his eyes.
I kneeled down next to Calum and Luke shifted his gaze to me.
"Thank you" I managed to say as I cried.
He nod slightly and turned to his friends again .
I walked away giving them privacy and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" I looked at Cher and nod slightly. My eyes fell to her left arm and saw that it was cut off from the elbow.
I put a hand over my mouth and she followed my gaze.
"Don't worry about it. I have a friend witch that can replace it"
I nod and looked at her
"Thank you" I spoke and she smiled at me "For everything"
"It's not a problem" She replied and walked away to check on someone.
I walked back to Louis,who was talking to Harry,and he put his arm around me.
Harry had a huge slash on his chest that healed very slowly and there was blood dripping from his right temple.
"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nod.
"Is it over?" I asked and looked up at Louis. He kept starring at me for a few seconds before nodding.
"I think so"
"Not really" I turned around and everything happened in a second.
John was behind Liam,who was checking up on Niall,and snapped his neck.
"No" I heard a scream and I gasped as Liam's body fell on the ground not moving.
As John was about to turn around I glared at him. He gasped and fell on his knees screaming.
My eyes got blurry from the tears but I ignored them trying to put all the hate I was feeling on my glare. It was all his fault,he deserves to feel the pain.
I stopped the minute Niall,Zayn and Harry took a hold of him and snapped his neck.
I took deep breathes and Louis held me close.
"Now it's over..."


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