chapter 7;Who's at the door?

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It was Justin Bieber.. Me and the girls just stood there looking at him.

''It's nice to see you again lands''Justin said with a smirk.

''It's nice to see you too Justin''Harry replied putting Justin's back.

''Come in''Niall  said smiling

''Thank you''he thanked politely.

''Boys why haven't you introduce me to those lovely ladies yet?''Justin said looking straight at us.

''Oh yeah right..Justin this is Danae,Nefeli and Alex...girls this is Justin''Liam introduced us.

''Hi''all three of us said

''Hello nice to meet you ''Justin said 

''So you're a vampire?''Alex asked curious

''No'' he said with an evil grin.

''So what are you ?'' Danae asked 

''He's a werewolf''i said confident 

''Correct 'he replied

''How do you know that?''Danae and Alex said 

''His eyes are yellow and Harry told me that a werewolf is coming so...''I said 

''You are all vampires!'he said and we nobbed.''Ok so what's your powers?''Justin added smiling

''Ok I can teleport"Danae said jumping up and down.

''My power is telepathy''Alex said proudly.

''Wow you have great powers!''He said anthousiastic.

''And you?''He said looking at me 

''Well Niall said that i can cause pain I don't know how  but haven't  try yet'''I said with a sad look.

''Oh i had a friend with that kind of power .You need to focus to the one you want to hurt and you do ''he said and i just nobbed.

''So you have a power ?'Alex asked with a questrioned look.

''No but i can turn to a large wolf [twillight wolf]

''Wow thats so cool''I said smiling 

''Yeah so who turned you?''

''Niall turned me''Danae replied 

''Louis turned me''I said 

''And i've been turned by Liam''Alex responced

''I boys anything new?''Justin asked

''James's  back''Zayn said looking down

''What?''He yelled shocked 

''It's about   Anne''Louis informed him

''He still want to kill you ?''He said joking.

'''' he want to kill the girls ''Harry said 


''He want us to feel the pain he felt  when we killed Anne ''Liam said 

''I now let's order pizza i'm starving''He said 

''YES''Niall screamed in happiness.

''Vampires can eat human food?''Alex asked 

''Yes but the human food can't satisfied us  as much as   the blood''Zayn replied 

''Ok Ok pizza it is!!''Danae  hopped

''Is everyone ok with peperroni?''Niall  asked and we all nobbed .

5 minutes later

Louis's P.O.V.

The doorbell rang 

''I'll get it''I said 

I walked to the door and opened it i was shocked of who was standing there.It was.............

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