Chapter 8;Pizza actident

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Louis POV

The door bell rang.

"I'll get it'' I said.I walked to the door and open it.I  was shocked of who was standing there.It was......

Still Louis POV

There stood James with a smirk.Before I could react he grabed my neck a draged me to the livingroom.I saw the others looking at me with wide eyes.

''LOUIS!!!'Nefeli yelled and started running towards me but Zayn grabed her from her waist and hold her back.

Nefeli's POV

I saw James holding Louis from his neck so Louis couldn't move at all.I screamed his name and I tried to run to him but someone holded my waist and stopped me.I looked up and saw that Zayn was holding me.I started crying.

''Let him go....''I begged

''Not untill you girls''He said pointing at me and the girls before he continue''come with me''

''NO!!!!!''All the boys screamed.His eyes turned redder and he tighten his grip on Louis neck and Louis tried to set free.He was hurting him and I couldn't do anything about it.

''Give the girls and I'll let him live'He said again.I got out of Zayn tight grip and stepped foward.

''If I come with'll leave the boys alone?''I asked taking slow steps tawards him

''No!''Louis said

''Shut up you!''He spat at Louis and tighten his grip more.Louis now was at the edge of tears

''No,I want all three of you!''He said back.Then Liam stepped foward.

''Let him go Jamesand we can talk about it''He said but James just shook his head.

''There is nothing to talk about......''He paused before he spoke again''You killed Anne and I'll kill your girls''And tighten his grip on Louis even more.I saw a single tear run on Louis cheek.I was hurting me to see him like that.

''You're hurting him please....stop''I cried

''Not untill you come with me!!!!''He insisted

''No''Louis wispered but loud enough for me to hear it

''I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP''He said and punched Louis so hard that sent him flying at the other side of the room and he crashed on the wall.I looked at James again and he was smirking.I was ready to attacted him when a chair went flying to James but he moved at the last moment so the chair crashed on the wall.Wait chairs can't fly.I turned around and saw Alex smirking.Danae then start teleporting from His left to his right but he punched her and she went flying at the other side of the room.She crushed with so much forse that the wall broke and she went at the next room.Alex started throwing chairs and tables at James but he was faster,he runned at Alex and punched her too.I couldn't just sat there watching my friends getting hurt I had to do something.

From the corner of my eye I saw Louis running towards James.He can't beat him he is weak.When Louis was about to punch James he grabed Louis fist mid air and shoved him on the wall.He grabed his neck again and turned to look at us.

''If you don;t give up I'll kill him right here right now...''He threated us.I was so angry rifgt now.I want to rip his head off with my own hands.I felt my eyes burning and I instantly knew that they were as red as ever.I glared at James before I spoke.

''Let him go!!!''I said butit soundes more like growl.He instantly fell on his knees screaming but he didn't let go of Louis's neck.

''Let him go!!'I said louder and he screamed in pain again and let Louis go.As soon as he did hat Louis rushed at me and shooke my sholders

''Nefeli stop!''He comanded but I just ignored him.I heard James screaming again and I blinked twice.I looked at my surroundings and saw everyone looking at me.I couldn't belive what I just did.

''Danae would you mind to take our litte friend somewhere alse????''Niall said and smirked.

Danes went to James and grabed him by his shirt.In a blink of an eye she was gone and one sacond later she was back with an evil grin on her face.

''I'm going upstairs''I said and started walking up the stairs and in a hall.All the doors had leters on them.On the right side was:

L- A - H - Z 

And on the left side was:

Ni - D - Lou - N

I went in the room down te hall on the left side and got in.I lyied on bed and just sat there

I almost kill someone.That thing was replaying in my head.Why we had to go through that park that night if we didn't none of this would happen.I was thinkng of everything tht happened all this time untill a knock snapped me out of my thoughts.

''Come in''I said and the door opened and Harry came in.He sat on the bed next to him.

''Whats wrong?''He asked looking at me.

''Oh nothing much I just almost kill someone no big deal!!!''I replied and he laugh quietly.

''Now tell me what's wrong??????You did what you though it was good.You wanted to save Louis''He said still looking at me.

''I told him that I wont be able  to control my power..''I said looking down and I let a few tears slipped.

''Who?''He asked

''Louis...Itold himthat I wont be able to control that power but he said that I wont hurt anyone... but guess what I almost kill someone!!!!!!!''I replied now I was crying realy hard.

''Hey,he deserved it.You did nothing wrong.You wanted to protect the ones you love''He insure me and I nodded.

''Is everyone okay????''I asked 

''Yeah everyone is fine''He said getting up''Now lets go and eat some pizza before Niall eat it all!''He said

''I HEARD THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'We heard Niall yell from downstairs and I laught

''GOOD!''Harry yelled back amd he laughed  with me.We went downstairs and I saw everyone sitting and watching TV like nothing happened.But someone is missing..........1...2...3....4...5.....6.Wait where is Justin?????

''Hey where did Justin go?????"I asked.

''He had to go to meet some friends''Niall replied not taking his eyes off the TV.I sat down next to Louis and gave him a small smile wich he returned.

''Are you okay?''I asked 

''Yeah you''He asked and I nodded and start watching TV.I slowly start to drift off and I couldn't keep my eyes open.I felt someone picking me up and one minute later I was put on my bed the person kissed me on my forehead and wispered

''I love you.Sweet dreams princes''I knew it was Louis by the sound of his voice.That was the last thing I heard and I slept with a smile on my face......



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