Contest #1: Musical Tales (Closed)

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'Music is a way for one to express their feelings or emotions. It can be used to tell stories, to weave intricate tales through melodious notes.'

The challenge is to write a short story based on your favourite song. (Or any song, for that matter haha)

Duration of Contest: 1st May to 15th May


- English stories only. (Sorry!)

- Entries can be published as a separate story on your profile or in an existing book

- Must be a oneshot (all in one chapter)

- Length of oneshot should be 500 (min) to 1500 (max) words long

- Fanfiction and LGBT content is allowed

- NO Mature stories

- Submit your oneshot by posting the link in the comments section below


- a follow from both TheHappyWriters and the host of the contest (Nicoismysenpai)

- shoutout on both profiles

- your entry added to a special reading list on TheHappyWriters profile

- your entry featured in a special anthology for contest winners

Good luck to everyone who decides to participate!

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