Chapter 23 - Lazy Days

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"I'll get back to you tonight, Paul," I said, before walking off.


When I came home after a long day of shooting and going through scene rehearsals, I had expected to find Paul there. What I didn't expect was to find no Paul, but only just a note explaining he was out. I decided to shrug it off, after all, he couldn't stay stuck in a house by himself for a whole day. It was only 9 anyway, and I was sure that it was fine.

That was something I started noticing. I didn't feel so worried when he was out and about anymore, and I could feel confident knowing we were serious and committed. Time can fix a lot of things, even including your own confidence. I've learnt that, and it's been really good for my own mental health.

When I had hung my coat, I looked over at a framed picture that was on the table by the door. We had plenty of them on display around the house, and they were always a nice reminder that we had such a happy relationship. It kept me thinking about how lucky I was to find someone who treated me well. I was so grateful for Paul.

I decided to dial up Maureen, and ask her if the boys were in the studio today. Instead of being met with Maureen's familiar voice, though, I was greeted by a very deep voice that I knew well. My lifelong buddy and best friend, Ringo.

"You're not in studio?" I asked.

"No, we had a day off today. Is Paul not home?" Ringo asked. I could imagine him furrowing his eyebrows as a slight frown grew on his lips.

I shook my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "No, he isn't. I was just asking anyway, it's alright. Surely he'll be home soon, y'know."

"Alright. Give us a call if you need anything else. Hopefully he'll be home soon," Ringo said. "Bye, Jackie."

"Bye Ringo," I said, putting the phone back on the receiver.

I sighed, deciding to go upstairs and pull out a sketchbook. It's been a while since I had done some proper drawings. Most of my teenage years were spent sketching stuff, so I thought it'd be a good time passer for now. It also helped me deal with stress and anxiety when I was young, it brought me to a nice, calm place. Drawing was kind of like my outlet, along with attending drama in high school, and playing football.

Before I put pencil to paper, I went over to our shelf of records, and flicked through. When I saw a Beatles record, I decided I'd just listen to that. There was nothing better than listening to a record made by two of the closest people to me, my best friend and my greatest love.

I smiled when I heard the instantly recognisable 'one, two, three, faw!' hit my ears. There was a picture of Paul I had clipped onto the page, which was what I was drawing. He really made an amazing subject too. When you look closely and have to take everything in, he really amazes you.

Because he had such a different face though, drawing it could be a bit odd. His eyes were big, his nose was kind of small, and his lips were somewhere in between. It'd be a bit odd to think about, but when you put them all together, they make such an intriguing face.

As time went by, I already had the record nearly finished, and my drawing was near complete. It probably would be complete if I wasn't so picky, but I was. When it came to art, I was a bit of a perfectionist. One tiny mistake in the things I produce leaves me sour for the next hour or so.

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