Being Anna Marie part 34

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(To whoever is reading this story I honestly thank you from the bottom of my heart. Writing is a lot of work but it’s completely worth it when you know someone else is enjoying what you’ve created. Thanks!)

Naked soles chilled by ivory tinted tile gradually crept closer to Courtney’s stationary form, the sound of the spout dripping into the water echoed throughout the room. Tanned toes cautiously stepped over broken bits of glass whilst hazel lenses attempted to look pass the puddle of blood that surrounded her little sister’s body. Andrea leaned forward slowly, her fingers extended towards the golden tendrils skirting across the floor just as livid crimson tinted eyes ascended, power suddenly surging vigorously towards her. As if swept within a tornado she felt her form rise from the floor hurling backwards into the adjacent wall. Her wounded head smacked plaster, her sight fading before blackness receded only to discover her figure pinned helplessly just above the filled bathtub.

Courtney rose from the floor slowly, scarlet fluid dripping from her teeth, cuts lining her skin as an unexplainable wind swept through her damp curls. Small feet advanced towards Andrea while shadows greedily licked at the trickles of blood that oozed from Courtney’s fuming features.

“I don’t precisely understand what your intentions were, Andrea. What exactly was your plan?” she questioned her tone laced with obvious irritation.

Andrea’s limbs struggled to break free from Courtney’s unyielding hold, to resist the monster’s unending display of power only to leave her figure panting futilely from the useless exertion.

At Andrea’s silence she continued. “Was it to overtake Anna Marie’s weak hold that she has on her own body?” Courtney’s arm extended forward towards Andrea’s thrashing form vaulting a shard of glass into the center of her open palm. Lids closed as a scream bound from center of Andrea’s soul, its sound a mixture of her voice and Anna’s.

“Tell me Andrea, was it to meddle in affairs that in no way concern you?” she interrogated as another splinter of glass embedded the other hand. The howl of pain that pierced the air was deafening even to my older sister’s ears.

Don’t think of the ache. Do not embrace its touch; Andrea repeated within her agonized mind as panting she glared at her pint sized terror. “Anything that happens to Anna Marie is my business.”

Courtney smirked condescendingly loving the horror within hazel depths at the discovery of numerous pieces of glass easily rising to float around her. They remained stationary in mid-air just awaiting a target. “Yeah, I can tell that your interference has helped Anna immensely.” She shrugged while her expression remained clearly amused, “I mean with her I actually had to put forth the effort to a least chase my victim, but with you invading her form I can see that her death shall be unchallenging.”

Drea could feel the traces of anger gathering inside even as she attempted to control it. How Anna would be capable of managing the amount of intense desire to rip into enemies that coursed through her blood seemed unfathomable. There was such darkness unleashed from within once Andrea had tapped into Anna’s power and she feared for the day when she would no longer be at Marie’s side to help her contain it.

Focusing on directing Anna’s abilities Drea felt her senses extend from her figure before easily slipping further inside Courtney’s mind. Arrogance made it effortless to implant the depiction of Anna’s body continuing to remain ensnared within Court’s influence. It was what Courtney expected of such an inferior being. Within her intellect the idea of Andrea escaping her boundless strength was an impossibility. Watching with wary eyes Drea detected the obvious traces of egotism as Courtney smirked in the face of such passive prey. In reality Andrea had already used Anna’s unpracticed skills to force the wedge of glass from damaged skin, at last freeing one hand. The blood poured from the center of her palm, droplets sinking into the liquid beneath her suspended feet before she forced scarlet coated fingers to physically yank the other one loose.

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